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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Saturday & Sunday 5/15 & 5/16

Saturday (5/15):

I "slept in" - till about 8:15 AM - and then finally got up.  I went on to have breakfast and check out the newspaper.  My housemate did some cleaning in the kitchen this morning.  I've taken a shower and gotten dressed, but don't have any specific plans for today - yet!  

As for more cats - well I don't know how that might go over with Sukiey - she has been the only cat with me for 4 years now and gets my full attention - she doesn't have to share my attention and affection with any other cats.  My brother made the statement that, with a cat, a little attention goes a long way, but with a dog they constantly want attention.  I think he's on the right track.  I told this to my housemate and she agreed.  

Sukiey, however, seems to want me back here in my bedroom with her when she knows that I'm at home and will cry for me.  My housemate has picked up on this.  Right now, being that I'm here in my bedroom, she's content and quiet.  If I'm in the bathroom - she's fine as well because she knows where I am and she can go in there with me if she wishes.

When I woke up this morning, I was laying on my side and I found Sukiey laying on my hip.  I had to "encourage" her to get up and move so that I could get up.  She had me "pinned" in a position and wasn't going to voluntarily move so that I could get up because she knew if she did, I would leave the area!  Smart cat, wouldn't you say?!  

I forgot to mention that when I was finishing up getting ready for bed, I got a call from a classmate.  She was thanking me for coming to the class fellowship.  We went on to talk about a couple of other things before hanging up.  She said she has something for me - she has kept it in the trunk of her car and she meant to give it to my last night, but forgot.  Hopefully she'll remember and bring it with her to class tomorrow.  

This is all I've got for the time being.  I'm going to go see what my housemate is up to.  Later....

Alright, I'm back now and it's 9:17 PM.  I have a few things to share with you before I head off to bed....

Would you believe that I took a midday nap?  I did!  Around the time that I woke up and headed out to the kitchen for lunch - I saw my housemate backing out of the driveway - and then found a note on the counter so that I would know that's where she had gone.  Then, I went on to fix lunch for myself.  

Rusty began cutting up and carrying on - I saw that it had gotten dark outside and that it had begun raining and I even heard thunder, so I went on to let him inside while I was eating.   Once I was done and had cleaned up behind myself, I put Rusty back out on the patio and then returned to my bedroom.  

Later on, my housemate poked her head in my bedroom door to let me know she was back.  I was on the computer and had the TV on.  She said that she had stopped at Chick-Fil-A and wanted to know if I wanted anything.  I had already eaten lunch, but I did get a bite of the brownie she brought home.  

I returned to my bedroom a little later; when I had gotten on the computer, I found that Norton was calling for me to do a backup; I tried to run one several times - it kept giving me a message that it couldn't locate the flash drive that I use for the backups.  Finally, I gave up and changed it to my regular flash drive [the one I carry with me between work and home] and let the backup data go on it; once it finished - successfully - I copied the backed up data to a file I created on the flash drive Norton claimed it couldn't find.  Once I verified that it had copied and was on there, I deleted the data from the drive it had originally gone on, then I went to the other drive and deleted the old backed up data.  

My housemate has been in "cleaning mode" for most of the day.  She moved some stuff out of her bedroom and then wanted to move some furniture around in there.  She came and asked for my help.  I went and helped her - she wanted her chair moved over by the patio window and to put a table by it and add a lamp so she could sit in the chair and read.  She said that when she tries to read in bed, she falls asleep.  We got that done; we also moved her TV and DirecTV box up on top of a dresser where she can lay in bed and watch TV easier without it putting a strain on her back and neck.  

Eventually, I went on to do some things for myself while she continued to clean.  I watched some more TV and fell asleep again.  When I got up it was time for supper, so I went out and found that my housemate was preparing her supper as well.  We ate together and had to bring Rusty back in as he wouldn't quit barking.  

I cleaned up behind myself and then returned to my bedroom and have watched more TV.  I'm going to stop here and get on to bed.  I've set my phone to alarm in the morning to wake me up for church.  I don't know if my housemate is still up or not - she was around the time that I started writing this.  I saw the light was on in her bedroom [the light shines underneath the door as it's not flush with the floor] at that time when I was coming out of my bathroom.  

Okay, this is all I've got for now.  Time to shut things down and make Sukiey move out of my spot.  I'll continue later....

Sunday (5/16):

Good morning....I should be in the FBCJ Sanctuary, but....I let time get away from me this morning - for one thing, I got up about 30 minutes later than usual.  For another, I took longer having breakfast and checking out the newspaper than normal on Sunday morning.  By the time I started getting ready, it was already after 8:00 AM and there was no way I could've gotten ready and made my way to FBCJ for 9:00 AM.  So, I decided that I would just get ready and go in time for our 10:30 AM Sunday School.  

A pair, will be sharing about their mission trips.  I don't want to miss hearing about them.  My housemate said that she was just "weary" this morning.  She thanked me again for helping her to rearrange her bedroom and said that she does like having the TV up where we moved it too - she can lay in bed and see it much easier than she could in the previous spot where she had it.

After checking out some of the newspapers and having a cup of coffee, she put Rusty back out - he had come in when she went to feed him.  She found a couple of birds out there making another attempt to build a nest up in one of the overhangs of the patio.  Looked like it was "momma bird" and "daddy bird" that were doing that.  I have no idea what species of bird they were but I could see they were orange in color.  They didn't seem to mind having Rusty out on the patio, but they didn't like it when us humans were out there!

She got another cup of coffee and took the newspaper and said she was going back to bed.  I, on the other hand, went on to go take a shower and get dressed and ready to head to FBCJ.  I'm now ready - well, except for my lipstick - to head out in about 15-20 minutes.  I don't know if she will try to go - to 2nd Service or not.  

Anyway - I guess this is all I've got for now....

I'm sitting back down now to resume writing this afternoon.  I left about 9:25 AM and drove down to FBCJ.  I tried to park in the CLC garage but couldn't find a vacant space in there, so I pulled back out and drove over to the parking lot behind the Mississippi Baptist Convention Board's facilities and found a number of vacant spaces in there, so that's where I wound up parking in one of those.  Then I walked across and met a classmate retrieving something from the tailgate of her Escalade.  She closed it about the time I approached and saw me and greeted me.  She started heading to the Chapel entrance - and since she has difficulty in walking I went ahead of her and opened and held the door for her.  She went on in and found a seat in the foyer, as the other class was still in session.  

We were visiting when a woman came walking in whom we didn't recognize.  We both began talking with her and learned who she was and that she was there looking for a particular Sunday School class.  I told her that I didn't know much about that class; after learning a little more about what she was looking for, I asked her to come and check out our class.  I told her that a couple of class members would be doing presentations on their mission trips today, that our teacher was out today, but if she would come back next week, she could meet him and check out his teaching.  

She attended our class and was amazed at how comfortable she felt among us.  The director got up and took care of the preliminaries then turned things over to one of the class members.  She did a presentation on Vancouver and I knew 99% of what she had to say because I had already heard it from my housemate.  The other class member followed her and gave a great presentation on Burkina Faso.  

She shared with us about what happened with the flight from Casablanca, Morocco to Ougadougou, Burkina Faso.  There were 2 flights, but one got canceled and they got put on a flight to somewhere else that they and some other travelers didn't have a visa for.  There was a group that did have visas for it, so they were fine when the flight arrived.  However, she and the group they were in were taken to a holding room and they were dealt with by the local officials and police.  It appeared that they could be arrested - that's what she feared - then someone from the airline intervened and made it clear to the officials and police that it was their mistake to put them on that flight and made arrangements to fly them back to Casablanca and then out to Ougadougou from there.  What a relief that was to them!  

She said they finally arrived in Ougadougou in the middle of the night and so they stayed overnight there and were picked up and taken to the city where the orphanage is located [she said the name, but I can't recall it] the following day and that they spent time working with the people there doing medical clinic and pharmacy work, as well as other things.  She shared with us about a particular little boy in the orphanage and how his name had been changed from Mohammed to Joseph because of the background he had come out of.  She said that the long term goal of the orphange is to get the children to become adoptable.  Joseph is 3 years old and they nicknamed him "the petite bandit" because of his size and that he kept taking off with their shoes and hiding them from them.  

When she was done, she prayed to dismiss us.  I went and got a couple of place mats [one each for my housemate and me] and a pair of wooden elephants [one each for my housemate and me] out of a pile that she had brought back from Burkina Faso.  Then, I made my way out of the class - I also spoke with the lady and got her phone number and e-mail address so I can contact her this week.

There was a singles luncheon taking place but I opted not to stay for it.  Instead, I excused myself and headed out and made my way on home.  When I got here, the garage door was down, so I raised it and found my housemate's car inside.  She had said before I left that she wasn't going, but I thought perhaps she might change her mind.  I parked and went inside and found that she had at least changed - when I left she was still in her bathrobe!  I learned that she had booted up her computer and logged on to the Internet and watched the 2nd service on the FBCJ website.

I showed her the placemats and she had me to put them in the laundry area so that they can be washed before we use them.  Then I showed her the elephants and had her to pick one.  She did and put it where she keeps her collectibles.  I brought mine back to my bedroom and put it on display.  

She had been baking some potatoes - white and sweet - and we were trying to figure out what else to go with them.  There were some Hebrew National Kosher Beef Franks in the refrigerator.  I cooked them - in the microwave - and my housemate had a couple of them with her sweet potato; I put a couple of them in a tortilla with cheese.  

We cleaned up the kitchen; I came on to my bedroom and climbed in bed [I had changed from dress clothes] and took a nap while NASCAR was on TV.  My housemate said that she was going to work on doing some cleaning in her desk area that she needed to get done.  

Well, this is all I've got for now....

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