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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

National Day of Prayer - For Such A Time As This....

I left work about 11:40 AM and headed over to my car.  There I dropped my briefcase and purse in the trunk - I stuck my wallet in my back pocket - and left the hard case for my sunglasses on the front seat of the car.  Of course I hit the alarm button on my remote as I left the car.  Then I headed on over to the Capitol.  I got over there about 11:50 AM I suppose it was.  I found a spot that seemed to be fairly shady in front of a mother's memorial monument.  

I tried to call a co-worker to see where she was but got no answer.  I began looking around to see if I could spot her, or a couple of friends.  Well, instead of finding any of them, I spotted another friend.  I finally succeeded in attracting her attention.  I let her know where I was hanging out.  She took a seat in a row of seats in front of the memorial monument.  Eventually, as I walked around a little, I saw the other 3.  I let them know where I was hanging out; I went back to the memorial monument for a little while then decided it was getting too sunny there and I moved around some.  I found a spot in the shade on the left side of the stage and stayed there for a few minutes, but then moved around again and found a spot up on top of a mound off to the right side of the stage but where I had a perfect photographic view of the stage and the speakers.  I made sure that where I was sitting didn't impact the view of a couple of women sitting in chairs off to my left.  They assured me that they were fine with me sitting there.  

Throughout the entire Mississippi National Day of Prayer service, I took pictures.  I got several copies of the program - copies for friends, plus one for me.  One friend is the one whom I adopted Sukiey from.  The reason I got a copy for her [she now lives in Texas] is that one of the speakers [or rather "pray-ers"] was Pastor Otis Lichlyter of Living Hope Ministry.  He's the man she always called "Poppa O" and she was a member of his church when she lived at here.  I've met him and his wife, Twyla on a couple of occasions.

When I saw his name on list, since I knew him, I decided that what I would do would be to get a number of pictures of him so as to have several to choose from, then print a couple of the best ones and put them, along with a copy of the NDP program, in a photo mailer and send the package to her as a surprise.  I know she'll get a kick out of this!

As the NDP service started, when we reached the reading of the Proclamation of the National Day of Prayer [in Mississippi, by the state legislature], it was announced that Lt. Governor Phil Bryant - who, as President of the State Senate, normally presides over this and was scheduled to do so today - had had to travel out of town and down to the Gulf Coast to meet with some federal officials concerning the oil spill.  So, filling in for him with this duty was Mississippi State Senator Michael Watson.  

The individual praying for Mass Media and Entertainment Industry was Dan Modisett, General Manager and President of WLBT-TV [Channel 3].  Of course, there were reporters and camera people from Channel 3 there covering the story - since their boss was a participant!  I don't think they dared not to come and cover this story for that reason!

Eventually, they reached the point where it was time for prayer for the military.  Well Poppa O got confused or something happened - and he jumped ahead in line and got up to pray for Pastors, Churches and Ministry Organizations.  Sgt. Michael Thomas from the MS National Guard followed him, although he should've preceded Poppa O.  I got pictures of all of those praying - as the last person was praying, I made my way back down to the area where the memorial monument was.  I found that one friend was still sitting where I had left her; my co-worker was sitting behind her.  The others had had to leave and return to work.  I made my way over to them.  My co-worker handed me some cash - it was my change from earlier.  The other friend had to leave to return to work; my co-worker stayed through the observance of communion - something I don't recall having been done before - then she had to leave to return to work.  

I moved closer and waited through the singing of the final song; then when I realized that the lady who was going to blow the shofar was going to stand almost behind the podium, I had to hurry and move to the side and even closer so that I could get pictures of Mrs. Bean blowing the ram's horn.  I got several - good ones.  

Once the NDP service was over, I headed back so that I could retrieve my car.  I got there and popped the trunk, then put the NDP programs in my briefcase and also put my camera in there.  I got my purse out and put my wallet back in it and then shut the trunk and went and got in the car and drove away. 

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