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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Good morning! 

This morning the alarm startled me awake; since it's Thursday, I not only silenced the alarm, I turned it off.  I really didn't want to get up and come in to work today, but I did anyway [obviously].  I went on kick off the morning routine.  By the time I was done in the shower, dressed and went out to the kitchen, I found that my housemate had gotten up and was gone with Rusty for their morning walk.  

I retrieved the newspaper, prepared breakfast and was eating and checking out the newspaper by the time they returned.  I commented on the front page story - it concerns the woman who was sentenced on Monday.  She is now in the correctional facility in Pearl and the story says that she has filed a lawsuit - against her husband!  She alleges that he had a hand in causing the wreck and that he is making her take the fall for it, amongst other things.  What is curious is that he was not present in court at the sentencing to support her, though his lawyer says he has supported her through all of this.  My housemate said that she had read part of the article.  

I finished up with breakfast and cleaned up behind myself.  My housemate went on to start getting ready for work while I went to finish up getting ready and then headed out.  When I got in I got the day started.  

One of my favorite co-workers is out today - it's the spring edition of the Canton Flea Market.  I asked her if she was planning to go and buy some fleas and she laughed and said she might - depending on what she found and the pricing.  She's going with 2 of her daughters and eldest daughter's mother-in-law.  That daughter and her MIL are riding together; She and the other daughter are riding together and they will meet there.  Her youngest daughter  will be in classes at Hinds.  

I'll be leaving later this afternoon.  I got a call from my friend and she wants to make it around 3:30 PM or after for me to come over to her house and help her.  I will go by LifeWay and get the gift, then go by the house and change and then go to my friend's house.

This is all I've got for now....

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