My photo
PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Friday, May 21, 2010

An Update....

Thursday (5/20)

Good morning....I'm  getting a chance to sit down and begin an entry for today.  Things are pretty quiet around here at the moment.  

Earlier this morning I was watching the Today show and near the end of it, Matt Lauer did a piece with Brooks & Dunn.  The title of it was Brooks and Done.  Yep, Kix and Ronnie are hanging it up as a duo; they are going to embark on a "farewell tour" and then both are going on to launch themselves as solo artists.  

Okay, let me back up and pull forward....

Last night.....when I got home, the garage door was up and my housemate's  car was parked inside.  I pulled in and parked and then unloaded my stuff and went inside.  I found Rusty was in the house again; I went on to take my gear to my bedroom and went back out to the kitchen and began to prepare supper - I was in the process of doing that when she emerged from her bedroom. She was heading to the fitness club; I went on to eat supper and check out the mail.  

Then I cleaned up behind myself and went on back to my bedroom.  I changed to a pair of shorts from my dress pants and then laid down and called and spoke with my Uncle in California.  This was to wish him a happy birthday - he turned 83 - and the call lasted a tad over 16 minutes.  I was back out in the kitchen when my housemate returned.  I had on my "short shorts" and when she came in she teased me about them.  

She went on to fix a couple of hamburger patties for herself for supper - I had already eaten and she knew it.  I went on back to my bedroom as I wanted to do some reading.  Well, I picked up Karl Rove's book to start and read the rest of chapter 4 [there are 30 + an epilogue] and then suddenly got real sleepy, so I put the book back up and turned out the light and went on to bed.  

This morning the alarm went off and I wasn't ready to get up, but I did anyway.  I don't know how to snooze with this alarm clock, so I have to get up when it goes off.  I went on to get up and kick off the day.  I got my shower and dressed, then went out to the kitchen and was preparing breakfast when my housemate emerged - in her bathrobe!  I had my breakfast ready, but helped her with putting out the garbage and recycle bin since it was the day for that.  

I went on to eat breakfast and check out the newspaper; she took her coffee and went to her bedroom to read.  I finished up, cleaned up behind myself and then went on and finished getting ready for work and headed out and in to work.  I got here and was in the parking lot unloading my gear when the supervisor pulled in and parked; both of us had made it in and I relieved the night guy; my co-worker was running late this morning and I was on my way to pick up the paperwork I had printed and was going to ask the supervisor if he had heard from our co-worker when he arrived.  

We got the day started and it's been pretty calm - nothing much happening. Currently we're under a severe thunderstorm warning.  I had been "on the fence" about leaving at 12 or staying till 2; after thinking it over, I decided to cut out at 12 and go on home so I can be there in case it gets nasty and it's necessary to let Rusty inside.  I sent my housemate an e-mail to let her know and she replied and thanked me.

I'll continue later....

Good afternoon/evening.... I was a few minutes late leaving - about 5 I guess.  I stopped and picked up lunch, then headed on home.  It was warm and humid when I arrived at home; since then, the weather has cooled down some - we were in the upper 80s at that time; now we're at 69.  The sun is back out, but we have had some rain and it has gotten quite overcast and dark.  

After I ate lunch, I went on to change to a pair of shorts and then came and got in the bed and turned the TV on and took a serious nap.  When I got up about 90 minutes later, I went out and got my housemate's mail and checked out what the weather was looking like.  That's when I saw it was overcast and dark and breezy and that the temperature had dropped some.  I thought I would need to bring Rusty in - which would mean that I would have to go hang out in the den with him - but it never got that bad here, although Barbie says that more rough weather could still move through.  

I don't know what my housemate's plans are - if she is going to work late or if she'll be in soon.  

My housemate was late coming in - she had been to get her hair done after work.  When she came in, she informed me that's where she had been - I could look at her and see the difference, though, so I would've known without her saying a word.  

She asked me about how things had gone at the house - "babysitting" the dog and cat.  I told her that things had gone quietly, although I did bring Rusty in while I was eating my supper.  I had put him back out on the patio once I was done and gave him a Milk Bone dog biscuit.  

She said that she heard on the radio as she was on her way home that a thunderstorm was expected in our neck of the woods about 7:30 PM.  She had brought Rusty inside when she came in.  We were at the den table when we began hearing thunder and soon saw lightning and noticed that rain was starting to come down.  I went out on the patio and looked and saw it was moderately heavy.  I poked my head out in the garage so I could lower the garage door and noticed it was coming down there heavily.  I brought the door on down.

She has settled down in front of the TV and I'm going on on to bed myself.  

Friday (5/21)

I slept in this morning and finally got up around 8:00 AM.  My housemate was getting ready to head off to work.  It is my day off.  I went on to eat breakfast.  Before she left, she pointed out to me an article in today's newspaper concerning the Trail of Honor:

Trail of Honor a tribute to American veterans
Traveling exhibit visits this weekend; riders stop Monday

She and I are planning to attend this event this weekend.  She had noticed in the article that they are taking donations for care packages to be sent to the troops.  She asked me to call and inquire about what items they want for inclusion in the care packages, so when I got done with breakfast, I called the contact person in the article.  She was not in, so I left her a message.

I had just gotten done in the shower when my call was returned.  The lady gave me a list of several items they are requesting:

  • flavored powder packets for water
  • baby/wet wipes
  • feminine hygiene products
  • disposable razors
  • chap sticks
  • foot powder
I wrote them down on a "post-it" note.  Then I went on to get dressed and ready to go out.  I did start a load of laundry while waiting on someone in the business office at work to call me and let me know when a check I was expecting arrived.  I finally left a little later [after stopping the wash in the rinse cycle] and stopped at the post office and got the mail.  I hadn't received the call yet, so I called and found out that it had arrived a few minutes earlier.  

I drove on down and picked up the check and went to my banking institution and took care of business.  Then I left and headed to the grocery store.  There I went and purchased each of the items on the list - buying 2 of most of them, as I had called my housemate and told her what I had learned.  She asked me to pick up some of the items for her and we had set a "budget".  Well, I managed to go over it when I checked out!  Oh well - our troops are worth it!!

I stopped and got something for lunch and then headed home.  I restarted the wash and when it finished, transferred that load to the dryer; I went on start another load.  

My brother called while I was picking up lunch; I didn't get to take the call.  He left me a message and when I got to a point where I could, I called him back.  We talked for several minutes before the call dropped.  Eventually we reconnected. 

I shared with him about my purchasing items on the list for the troops' care packages and he asked me to go and purchase another set of items for him and gave me a budget.  When I got the load in the wash to the rinse cycle, I shut it off and also stopped the dryer and headed over to a different store and purchased the items on the list on behalf of my brother.  I keep forgetting to buy a box of Kleenex for my bathroom every time I go to a store; this time I didn't - I got a box while there.

Then I returned home and restarted the laundry and have since gotten it finished and put away.  I'm at the point where I need to stop and go have supper and take my PM meds.  

This is all for today....

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