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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Thursday afternoon/evening and Today....

Thursday (5/13)

I left work and stopped by my banking institution to ask a question.  Then I headed on to LifeWay and picked up:

The Love Dare Day By Day: A Year of Devotions for Couples....Wedding Edition

I had it imprinted with the names of my cousin and her fiance - and their last name.  They will be married at the end of August; I considered leaving off the last name, but decided to go ahead and include it.  

When I left LifeWay, I headed for home; I tried to contact my friend but was unable to reach her.  So, I laid down to relax for a while.  Well, she called me back and we made arrangements for me to come over a little later.  

I took a nap, then got ready and went over there.  I was there for about 45 minutes to an hour and got everything done on her computer that she wanted me to.  Then I headed home and found that my housemate was already in.  

Eventually I went on to bed and Sukiey joined me.  

Friday (5/14)

I woke up early, but didn't get up until after my housemate had left for work.  I had breakfast, took a shower and got dressed.  Then I headed out and went over to the post office - I had an item to mail, plus I was picking up my mail.

I got that accomplished and returned home.  I rinsed off my car before pulling it into the garage, then went on do 2 loads of laundry.  The second load was still going when I got a surprise....

My housemate had taken 1/2 a day off and so she arrived at home while I was relaxing while waiting on the laundry to finish.  She changed and went out to do some yard work.  I went on to help her some; we have 2 bags of clippings ready to go with the garbage on Monday.  I took a nap after all this was done.

Now I must stop here - I have a SS class fellowship in a little while and I need to go get ready. 


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