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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What About Wednesday, 5/12/2010?

I reset my watch - back about 5 or 6 minutes - to be within a few seconds of the computer at work.  We learned this morning that a supervisor has changed shifts though no explanation was given as to why this change has been made.  We were wondering why he wasn't here and so when we asked, that's what we were told.

The alarm went off this morning and I got up and kicked off the routine.  I went on to take a shower and get dressed, then headed on to the kitchen to start breakfast; I retrieved the newspaper and when my housemate emerged from her bedroom, I was already at the den table eating and reading the newspaper.  

I finished up and cleaned up while she attended to getting Rusty's breakfast for him.  Then I went on to finish getting ready for work.  When I did that, I came back out and found that she was looking at the newspaper.  We talked about the sentencing of that woman yesterday; I told her that I think that her name worked against her - that the Judge felt under pressure from the public to show that just because this woman is who she is [wife of a multi-millionaire] she wouldn't receive any preferential treatment and a lighter sentence.  Linda said that she agreed with my assessment - that the Judge felt she needed to send a message to the entire state that it doesn't matter who you are - you will receive the same sentence - rich or poor.  

Good's 5:19 PM.  I just got a call from a friend.  She is still doing the treasurer of a mission group - I can't recall the name of it right now - and she wanted to know if I might be able to come and help her with some things on the computer; I said that I could come tomorrow afternoon after I get done with work.  I said that I need to check with LifeWay and then go by there and pick up something that I was having imprinted.  I told her that I had gotten something that I wanted imprinted and had to leave it to be done because they were swamped and I needed to call and see if they had it ready.

After hanging up with her, I called LifeWay and inquired. The person I spoke with put me on hold and checked, then came back and informed me that it is ready for pick up.  So, I will make my way there after work and then go and see if I can help her.  I may stop at the house and drop off the gift plus change clothes before heading over there.  

For lunch, I headed outside and met up with a co-worker and we went down to Chick-Fil-A and then took a long walk back.  She went back to her office and I went up to the 2nd floor and ate lunch, then grabbed Josephus and read some of it.

I've read quite a bit of Book Two today.  I did start on it yesterday evening; I picked back up and started on it and I'm now through Chapter 13 - there are a total of 16.  So, I have almost completed it as well.  

This is all I have today....

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