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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tuesday evening and Wednesday, April 27 & 28, 2010

Tuesday (4/27)

I left work at 6:00 PM and headed out.  I opted to stop and pick up something for supper; once I had the "to go" order, I made my way on home and found that my housemate had not been in yet. Whether she was working late or what, I didn't know.  I went on to bring my gear and food inside; I retrieved my Josephus book and my notebook from my briefcase and put them on the table, along with my purse.  I ate supper, cleaned up behind myself and then got ready and headed out.

I made my way to the church - it wasn't hard to find, especially in the daylight.  It turned out that I got there quite a bit ahead of everyone else - at least 15-20 minutes, that is.  Eventually the pastor drove up - and he brought an older lady with him.  He said that his wife was not attending as their son is being married this weekend and she's busy with those preparations.

We had a good class meeting - it lasted somewhat longer than usual - we were about 9:20 PM finishing up.  He gave us our next reading assignment and instructions:

Josephus Reading Assignment for Tuesday, May 25, 2010:

The War of the Jews:

Book Seven:

From the Taking of Jerusalem by Titus to the Sedition of the Jews at Cyrene

The Antiquities of the Jews:

Book One:

From the Creation to the Death of Issac

Book Two:

From the Death of Issac to the Exodus Out of Egypt

Book Three:

From the Exodus Out of Egypt to the Rejection of That Generation

He suggested that I get the same edition of Josephus books as he has as it'll make it easier for me to keep up.  He also shared with the group about the possibility of a group trip to Israel.

I left about 9:25 PM and headed home - backtracking to the Interstate - and it was closing in on 10:00 PM by the time I got home.  My housemate was still up and making some phone calls when I got in.

I did a few things once I got in before going to bed somewhere close to 11:00 PM.

Wednesday (4/28):

At lunch several of my co-workers and I went out - we had to drive to get there - to a local restaurant to celebrate one of the women's birthday - it was yesterday.  We had a nice time and it was a treat to get away from the usual area of the city in which we work.

Things have been quiet around here this afternoon.  Hopefully they will stay that way. 

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