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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Friday, April 16, 2010

Good morning!  It’s my cousin's birthday.  Yeah – today is her 50th birthday! I sent her a text message and all I said was “Happy Birthday!!” – I’ve got to be careful how much I make out of it – or she’ll pay me back come November!!    

When I got up this morning, one of my first priorities was to go get Rusty’s food and water and take it out to him.  I went on out to get the newspaper – I raised the garage door, retrieved it and lowered the door back down – and then put it on the den table so I could check it out over breakfast.  

I turned on my housemate's TV in the den; then took Rusty’s food and water out to him.  I found it a little cool out there at that time – since I’m wearing shorts.  Once I was done feeding and putting out fresh water for Rusty, I came back in and locked the patio down.  Then I went on to have breakfast and look at the newspaper.  

I’ve since cleaned up behind myself.  And, I realized that I had some stuff in the bathroom that need to be washed, so I could make a laundry load.  So, I went and gathered everything – along with the 2 polo shirts – and took them out to the laundry area and got a load started.  I decided I’m in no hurry today – I have to be at church at 4:00 PM, but I’m not going to get in a hurry to do anything and I’ll even try to take a nap sometime along the line.  

Okay, I had to pause for a few minutes and go check on the status of the washer.  It was nearly done – now I’ve got the load in the dryer.  The items I had in the bathroom that I decided to wash – well I’m going to be putting them away as they’re more “winter type” stuff.  

While I was washing – yesterday and today – I did check to see if the washer water backed up and out on to the floor.  It did this the last time either of us washed [that was my housemate] and she saw it “after the fact” and showed it to me and explained what had taken place and what to do if it happened again.  So, I checked for it during my loads and can tell her that I looked for but didn’t see any problems.  

Oh yeah – last night I opened Sukiey’s new bag of food – Iams Proactive Weight and Hairball Control – and began pouring it in the plastic container that I keep her food in.  Well, the cat saw me doing that and she walked up to the container and started eating directly from it.  At least I know that she likes Iams!  Anyway, I filled the container as full as I could get it and still had some left in the bag; I put as much as I could in her bowl but still had a little bit left.  So, I took the bag out to the kitchen and got a “snack size” plastic bag and put the rest of the food from the bag [it was 8 pounds] in it, then took the empty bag to the garbage can in the garage.  

And – included in the bag of cat food was a sample can of Iams wet food.  I no longer feed Sukiey wet food – I quit doing that soon after moving in here because she was making a mess.  She would bring her wet food from the bathroom into my bedroom and I would find stains on the carpet.  A friend had given me some spray bottle carpet cleaner to use.  I was able to clean the stains, but quit feeding her wet food so that I wouldn’t have to deal with this behavior.  

Anyway, I slipped the can of wet food out of the bag and up on the counter when Sukiey wasn’t watching, then later slipped it in my pocket when she wouldn’t see.  I took it out to the kitchen and opened the plastic bag it was in out there.  I found that there were coupons included for the purchase of both dry and wet food.  I removed the coupon for the dry food, but left the can with the other coupon under the pull tab lying on the counter.  I don’t want to bring the can back to the bathroom – I want to keep it out of Sukiey’s sight so she won’t raise a fuss wanting me to feed it to her; I plan to give it away if I can find someone who wants it.  Maybe I’ll bring it to Sunday School on Sunday morning and see if someone wants it for their cat.

By the way, I did check the battery charger and the 2 batteries that I put in there last night have fully charged.  I have put them in my camera bag to go along with me this evening to church.  I’m sure at this point (10:15 AM) that I’m not taking my purse with me.  I plan to, instead, carry my National Wildlife Federation “field bag” [what I use to tote my Bible and notebook and other gear to church on Sunday morning in] with me.  I don’t want to have to keep up with a purse.  I’ve already put my Bible that Stormie Omartian edited in there – some others signed it the last time the E-Women Conference came; I want Stormie to sign it this time since she’s headlining the Conference.   

I’ve also put a dozen blank [no lines on either side] 3x5 index cards in one of the pockets along with a Sharpie.  I want to try to get Stormie to sign them for some people.  I’m taking extras in case I have an opportunity to get some of the other people to sign as well.  I’ll have cash with me at the Conference, but I’m going to try to keep to a minimum how much I spend – if possible. There’s a pocket that I can slide my wallet down in; I will probably just leave my sunglasses – in the hard case – in the car since it’ll definitely be dark when I come back out.  

I have to remember to bring something with me to eat for supper and to pack my PM meds, since they said that we won’t have an opportunity to leave between the end of the volunteers meeting and the doors opening [meeting starts at 4:00 PM, doors open at 6:00 PM].  

I’ll pause here for now; I don’t know when I will have an opportunity to continue writing….

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