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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Saturday ~ April 10, 2010

Hello again....

It's almost 11:00 AM as I'm starting today's blog entry.  I was up late again last night, but not as late as Thursday night.  I received a call at nearly 10:00 PM from a member of my Sunday School class.  She said that considering it was Friday night, she figured I would still be up.  She was right - although I wasn't far from going to bed.

She asked me if I had gotten the baseballs that I had told her I was planning to get.  I said yes and told her that I had gotten Rawlings balls in a package of 12 and she asked how much they cost.  I told her and then she said she had meant to get some as there are some males in her family and among her friends that she thought would like to have a signed baseball, so she would like to get the extra 6 from me if no one else wants any of them.  

I went on to bed after that and I went to sleep and slept in this morning - not getting up till about 7:45 AM.  When I went out to the kitchen for breakfast, I found my housemate up but still in her pajamas.  I said that I was being a "royal sleepyhead" this morning and she laughed and said she was too - she noted that she hadn't gotten up long before herself.  

I went on to prepare and eat breakfast and take my AM meds, then I went on and took a shower and got dressed.  Last night I had shown her an advertisement for a store at the mall - and that I had found something in there that I was interested in.  Well, we decided that we would go and check out the sale.  

She got ready to go; we left and we took both cars - as when she got through shopping, she was planning to go over to the workout facility she's a member of and get in the pool for a bit before coming home.  She said she is feeling so much better after the ordeal with her knee and ankle and that she thinks God may have been teaching her a lesson - not to take having 2 good legs for granted - after she saw the paralympic games while in Canada.

We met at the store and went in and found the items we were after.  I selected 2 polo shirts and chose the colors of bold purple and wilmington navy.  I looked at some other clothes but opted not to buy anything else.  Instead, I went on and checked out, buying just the 2 polo shirts and then leaving the store.  My housemate said she was going to do some more looking and shopping.  

En route home, I detoured on over to the post office and picked up the mail.  Well, you would know it - the check from the Tiger Athletic Foundation was in there today - when I won't be able to do anything with it till sometime later on this coming week.  

I came on home and hung the 2 polo shirts up in the closet, but I intend to wash them first before wearing them, so I'll wash them next week sometime - either Thursday afternoon or Friday morning.

I've played with Sukiey a little bit and she scratched me in a couple of places.  I went and washed my hands and applied some lotion to my hands.  I also put some Neosporin on one of the scratches in particular and then applied a Band-Aid to it.  

Well, it's around lunchtime, so I'll pause here for now....

Alright, I'm back now....

It's considerably later - I wound up having a busy afternoon and evening.  When my housemate returned, she found that I was just waking up from a nap.  It was around 2:30 PM.  

We got busy - did some housecleaning, vacuuming, and then went out and cleaned the patio.  I took the blower and blew off the patio floor where all the pollen and dirt had accumulated.  Then we got the garden hose cranked up and I hosed off the floor.  Rusty wouldn't move, so he got a little wet!  

Later, after the floor dried, we put everything back into place, then pulled the cover off of the grill and did a little cleaning to it and got it ready for use.  It was decided we would attempt to fire up the grill and cook out.  So, I went to the grocery store with a list and purchased a couple of steaks, some chicken tenders and ground meat, along with some grilling supplies.  I also got Rusty a new bowl for his dog food.  

I returned and mixed my marinade for the steaks, then let them marinate; we got the grill fired up and I cooked the chicken tenders and the hamburger patties that my housemate made out of the ground meat.  I also cooked the steaks until they were mostly done - but by that time the coals were cooling too much, so we brought them inside and I finished cooking them on the stove top grill.  

We sat down and ate the steaks and had a side of sweet potatoes and she had some asparagus.  Then we hauled everything in to the kitchen and cleaned up.  By that time we were both exhausted!  

And on that note, I'm heading to bed....

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