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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Tuesday evening, April 20, 2010

I left work at 6:00 PM - I did take an hour of leave time.  I prepared the paperwork and held on to it to have my supervisor sign it Wednesday morning. 

I made a stop at the store that I wanted to shop at and pick up a 16GB flash drive.  I had a coupon for 50% off of the regular price, so I saved $35.00 by using it!  I had been looking for a larger flash drive than what I currently have - an 8GB.  This was a good deal!  

I also picked up a pack of 3 photo mailers - not really the kind I wanted, but I got them anyway.  I only needed 2, but they came as a pack of 3.  I have copies of the photos of Sukiey tucked in bed to send out to family members and that's why I needed them.

After shopping, I headed home and found the garage was up; my housemate was laying on the couch and Rusty was inside when I went in after parking the car and gathering my gear.  We talked briefly; Rusty began being a pest to her, so she asked me if I could put him outside.  

I said yes, I could put him out and I went and got a dog biscuit and went to the patio door, opened it and went out, calling him as I did - he knew I had a dog biscuit, so he followed me out there.  I shut the door and put him through a couple of his tricks, giving him a piece of the dog biscuit as he did them.  Then I slipped back inside and locked the door down.  

My housemate was tired from her late night on Monday, so she wanted to rest and watch TV.  I went on take my stuff to my bedroom and change clothes, then i came back out and had supper.  From that point, I went on to work on gettng my photos all put in my album - I had let them kind of pile up.  

Once that was done, after making a phone call, I went on to bed.  I have no idea what time my housemate got up off of the couch and went to bed as I didn't hear her. 

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