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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Saturday - April 3, 2010

I was awakened around 3:00 AM by a clap of thunder and lightning.  This was no surprise, as we had been told to expect storms moving through overnight. However, I rolled over and went right back to sleep.  There were no issues with power.  

Then, around 6:45 AM, I was awakened again - this time by Sukiey.  She was pawing at me to wake me up.  I finally got up and discovered that my housemate was already up.  She said that around 3:00 AM she had gotten up and brought Rusty inside - as he was carrying on due to the weather.  She had shut him up in her bathroom but he kept on barking.  Usually he quits barking when he's placed in there because he knows he's safe.  

I planned to go to breakfast with some of our circle of friends this morning.  We have a standing breakfast meeting at a local restaurant on the 1st Saturday of the month.  So, I didn't eat my regular breakfast; instead, I ate just a snack so I could take my AM meds.  Then I went through the newspaper.

In the Religion section I found a big article  about the upcoming Extraordinary Women Conference at First Baptist Church - Jackson - April 16-17, 2010. I read the article and asked my housemate if I could keep the section with that article in it as I had someone I wanted to make a copy of it for and share it with.  She said yes, so I took the section out of the paper and brought it to my bedroom.

Well, I went on to take a shower and get dressed, then I finished up getting ready to go meet our friends for breakfast.  My housemate was traveling out of town to go visit with her son and his family for Easter.  She asked me if she left a check for her tithe/offering could/would I take it and turn it in for her tomorrow.  I said yes, just put it in one of her envelopes from church.  She looked and couldn't find the ones for April, but she had some old ones, so I said she should just strike through the old date and write in tomorrow's date.  

As I was leaving, she was getting ready to call her daughter-in-law and make sure that it was still okay for her to drive to their home to visit.  I headed on to the restaurant and was first to arrive.  I noted that one large booth was still available so I went and placed my order, then went and tagged it so that other customers would know it was "taken".  We never know for sure how many in the circle will show up until Saturday morning when they come - or don't!  Since there can sometimes be 10-12 people, that's why I grabbed the large booth.  

Well, my order arrived; one of the circle called me back (I had called her earlier to see if she was coming and she hadn't answered) and asked if I was going to be there.  I said that I already was there and had a booth for us.  She arrived soon after and went and placed her order.  Her order arrived; then another member of the circle arrived and she had already placed her order and joined us at the table and was waiting for it when the last person in the circle to show up joined us - she had also already placed her order.  It turned out that there were only 4 of us today.  

After a nice breakfast, we left.  Two of the others and myself met at a local Christian store and did some browsing; I found a new CD to purchase: Ronnie Milsap's Then Sings My Soul: 24 Hymns and Gospel Favorites.  I got it and a bookmark.  Then, after checking out, I went to a nearby dollar store and picked up a few items there.  

I swapped the new CD into the CD player of my car before heading home.  When I got home, I found that my housemate had left for her overnight trip.  She left me the envelope to turn in at church tomorrow along with an Easter card and a note saying she would see me tomorrow.  I went on to put the envelope in my gear bag that I take to church so I won't forget it in the morning.  

After going online and reading e-mail and doing a couple of other things on the computer, I decided to go to the nearby store where I've been printing my digital photos.  I took 2 CDs with me to print photos from for my new album.  I got in there and discovered that a woman was already monopolizing the machine I wanted to use - the one that prints the pictures directly.  She was totally oblivious to the fact that there was another customer waiting to use the machine she was tying up and had no intention of getting through with it anytime soon.  

As a result, I was forced to use one of the machines that has to go through the system that requires the clerks to print the pictures.  I put the CDs in one at a time and selected the photos, then placed the order.  I learned that I would have to come back and pick them up - all because this other woman was tying up the machine that would print them while I waited!  

I left and went over to a sports store and shopped - to kill some time - and did find an LSU Tigers baseball tee shirt that I wanted.  I did purchase it.  Then I rode over to the post office and picked up my mail - all I had was a piece of junk - so no bills!  Then I returned to check on my pictures. They were ready, so I picked them up and paid for them.

From there I headed home.  I entered the photos in my album, then sat down and updated and balanced my checkbook.  I also got on the computer and did a few things, including check e-mail and going through my contacts book and updating it - deleting some that I will never send or receive a message from again in the future and getting it cleaned up.  I deleted over 100, by the way.  

After doing that, I called and placed an order for supper, then left and drove out to the place and picked it up.  I returned home and brought Rusty inside while I ate, then I fed him and put him back outside.  After the storms from early this morning, the day has turned off beautiful and warm - as I write this, it's 76 degrees.

Sukiey is here with me.  She is snoozing on the back of my recliner.  

I guess this is all for today - at this point, anyway.

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