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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wedneday, April 21 - Part Two....

Today is Administrative Professionals' Day.  I used to be one of those, but have long since changed job titles!  Anyway, we have a favorite AP among our crew, so our manager took her to lunch - and I and another supervisor joined them at a local restaurant.  We had a nice lunch - the place was busy - busier than usual due to some other activities also going on in the area today.

Anyway - when I left to go to lunch, I made sure to take my sunglasses.  The sun is out in full force and I needed them.  Our AP also had hers on.  We took a walk down the street to eat - no need to drive when where we were going was only a couple of blocks - plus there would've been the hassle of parking! 

Soon after I returned from lunch, my co-worker left for lunch.  He has a heating pad in his chair to help his back.  I hope he has it turned off - since he's at lunch. I'm not sure where he was going or what his plans were.  Okay - he's back now. 

I was trying to find out when the Mission Mississippi Prayer Breakfast hosted by First Baptist - Jackson is.  I sent Tom an e-mail; I've since looked on the church calendar and learned that it's next Thursday - April 29, 2010. I want to attend if possible.  I've noted it on my calendar and requested an e-mail to alert and remind me.

In other news....

Prior to going to lunch, I received my latest Avon order - for a jar of moisturerizer. I had the cash on me to pay for it - as it took me by surprise that the order was in already.  It seemed like it was just last week that I placed the order!  I guess I'll give it a try in the morning and see how I like it. 

This is all for now....

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