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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Wednesday evening/Thursday, April 21 & 22, 2010

I got rather outdone with my co-workers.  I finally decided I was tired of coming in early so that they could leave by 6:45 AM when they won’t get their tails in here so that I can leave by 6:45 PM.  It’s especially irritating on Wednesday evening because then I have to deal with not only the school traffic – college students getting out of class – but also the prayer meeting traffic from FBCJ.  So, I decided that I would no longer get in a hurry to get here for 6:45 AM – starting this morning.

As soon as one of the guys came in, I got my stuff and left.  I headed home – having to fight some traffic – and when I got there, it appeared that my housemate had not been home; I raised the garage door and pulled in and parked, then gathered my stuff and went inside.  But, based on the inside of the house, it was obvious that she had been home and had left again.

I went on to put my stuff away, then got the photo mailers out and got them ready to mail; I put them in my briefcase so I would take them with me this morning and put another envelope in there as well.  I changed clothes and went out and prepared and ate supper.  Rusty was barking – he wanted in the house, so I decided that I would let him in – once I had cleaned up after myself.  But, since the garage door was still up, I got his leash and put him on it.  I laid down on the couch in the den and commanded him to lay down on the floor by me – which he did.  I looped the leash under my leg and laid down on it where the handle was where I could grab it.  I went on to make a couple of phone calls – ending one just as I heard my housemate in the garage.

She came in the house and noticed Rusty laying on the floor in the den, but she didn’t see me at first.  Then she looked again and saw me laying on the couch.  I got up and let Rusty loose – took the leash off of him and put it up.  She said that she didn’t remember letting Rusty in when she was home earlier and she was wondering how he had gotten in.  I explained what I had done.

I also gave her greetings from a mutual friend of ours – and also delivered another  friend’s message to her.  She said that she had come home and changed clothes, then went to the fitness club and worked out.  After that she had gone to visit an injured co-worker.  Ironically, what her company specializes in is worker’s comp claims and the co-worker’s injury is a worker’s comp claim.  She had an accident in the parking lot and messed up her shoulder.  I believe my housemate said that she broke a bone in her shoulder.  Anyway, the co-worker had thought she would be able to return to work quickly, but it turned out that the doctor said otherwise – she had to have surgery on the shoulder and is now out from work for a while as it heals.  My housemate said she called the co-worker and asked her what kind of groceries she might be in need of and got a list, then went to Kroger and got the items and took them over to her.  She visited with the woman and her daughter – I think she said the child is 9 years old.  She told me more about the woman’s story as well.   She loves the digital camera she bought while in Canada – she took it with her to the co-worker’s apartment and took some pictures and she showed them to me.

She ate a late supper and we talked for a few minutes.  I asked if her daughter and grandson were still coming this weekend – with bad weather predicted – and she said that they would be in Friday evening – they still have to show up for the tournament.  It’s something to do with points and also with not getting their entry fee back – I don’t understand how that works.

Soon after, she got Rusty back out on the patio and fed and then we both headed to our bedrooms.  I sure as heck didn’t want to get up.  I did, though, and silenced the alarm and shut if off since today is Thursday.  I kind of took my time this morning – I didn’t get in a hurry – and so I wound up making sure that my co-workers didn’t get to leave here till 6:55 AM.

 I have already done my time sheet – I’m staying till 2:00 PM – even though I have a couple of errands to run.  The post office doesn’t close till 6:00 PM so I have 4 hours to get there and get the packages in the mail.  J  J

I spoke with a co-worker – I was asking her advice about a shower cleaner.  I have something I use, but it doesn’t seem to be working very well – it says that you just spray it on and go – no scrubbing needed.  But I’m not happy with the results I see.  She said she has something that works well for her, but she couldn’t remember the name of it.  I have to stop at the grocery store this afternoon so I’ll look and see what they have and hopefully find something there.  When we have company, my housemate shares my bathroom and gives them her bedroom and bathroom.  She sleeps on the couch in the living room or takes the “blue room”.  I want to get the shower cleaned up before she gets in there.  I’ve been spraying what I have on the tub and tile daily, but it doesn’t seem to be working – at least not to my satisfaction!  L  L

My co-worker said she needs to walk some stuff down to a couple of friends [they work at a law firm] around 10:00 AM.  She wanted to know if I would like to walk with her.  I said that I had my sandals on and didn’t bring my tennis shoes.  I asked her to check with me when she’s ready to go and I’ll see if I can break away and I’ll go.  J  J

I’ve done some nosing around on the Internet – I found out the particulars of the NFL 2010 draft.  It will be on the NFL  Network and in primetime tonight and Friday night, then during the day on Saturday.  The Saints pick last this year in all the rounds in which they have a pick – and that’s a good thing – because the last pick is always made by the Super Bowl Champions.  J  J

It’ll be interesting to see how another co-worker reacts when he comes in and discovers that I’m staying till 2:00 PM.  I haven’t done that in a while and the guyk seems to purposely come in late in order to avoid seeing me after the stunt he pulled that backfired on him – he was the one that got in  trouble over it, not me – as well he should have, since he instigated it.  J  J

I had to stop for a awhile but I'm back now....

I walked with my co-worker down to the law firm to deliver the items to our friends.  Walking in my sandals bothered my feet some; I took the sandals off when I got back to work.  It was a nice and pleasant walk over there - several blocks from here.

I'll stop here for the present time....

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