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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Friday, April 2, 2010 ~ Good Friday!

I made a stop at Wal*Mart and purchased some things - including a nozzle for the garden hose.  Then I went to the grocery store and got some things - Wal*Mart didn't have/stock those items.  I returned home and ate lunch.  

Then, I connected the nozzle to the hose and rinsed the yellow pollen off of my car.  I left it in the driveway to dry off, but lo and behold, by the time I went back out to pull it in the garage, it was covered in pollen again.  So, I rinsed it off again and this time immediately pulled it in the garage and let it dry in there.  

My housemate came in from work.  She needed gas since she would be traveling this weekend and I had a 10 cent per gallon fuel discount to give, so we rode over and filled up her car, then stopped and picked up food orders.  Then, when we returned home, I rinsed the pollen off of her car with the hose and she pulled it in the garage.  

Later she went to the gym and got in the swimming pool, then the whirlpool.  I ate supper while she was gone, she ate hers when she returned.  Rusty was a bad dog - he got one of her gloves and chewed it so that she had to throw the pair away.  She was not happy with him!!!

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