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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Thursday - April 8, 2010 - the rest of the day....

I left work at 12:00 PM and stopped to do some banking, then made my way to keep an appointment that I had.  I didn't know exactly where the place is located; I had asked my housemate this morning to tell me again how to get there.  I was was going for a hair cut.

Well, following her directions, I found my way there without difficulty and went in and met her hairstylist.  She has now become my hairstylist as well.  She did a great job with my hair and charged no more than my previous hairstylist did.  

When I got done there, I stopped and placed an order "to go" and when it was ready, headed on home.  I changed clothes, then ate lunch.  I wanted to take a nap; I laid down and everytime I would just about fall asleep, my cell phone began ringing.  It was a friend of mine calling - she called twice - to ask questions about a computer issue.  

Once I finally got her taken care of, I laid there with Sukiey and drifted off to sleep for about 30-45 minutes.  When I woke up, I got up and got on the computer and did some things.  

Now I'm tuned to the Chicago Cubs v. Atlanta Braves on CSS HD.  At the end of the 5th inning, the Cubs are ahead by 2-0.  My housemate came in - she had been to get a pedicure after work.  Now she has gone to go get a workout in - though she's going to be careful with her pretty feet!  

I showed her the pack of baseballs that I bought yesterday evening and told her what my plan is.  I'm going to take the entire 12 pack with me - unopened - to church Sunday morning.  I won't open the package until and unless I can get to Bobby Richardson to get them signed - that way I can return them to the store if it doesn't work out!  

We talked about her photos - she said she is going to need to review them to find out what the number of the last photo is on the CD so she will know from what point to go to put the remaining photos from Canada on a CD.  She said she will try and do this sometime tomorrow at work - since her computer here at home doesn't work well with viewing a CD - so we can go Saturday and get the rest of the photos copied to a CD and also pull her Easter photos off of the memory stick - copy those to a CD as well so that she can e-mail them to her kids.  

Well - this is all I've got for now....

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