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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wednesday, April 21, 2010 ~ Thus Far.....

The alarm went off at 5:00 AM.  I noted that it seemed like I had just went to sleep and it was already time to get up again.  I did - silenced the alarm - and kicked off the morning workday routine.  I went on to take a shower and get dressed.  Then I headed to the kitchen and found my housemate in there.  She had retrieved the newspaper and was looking at a section of it.  

I went on to prepare my breakfast and sat down and ate and read the newspaper - my housemate was done with it and she headed back to her bedroom after taking Rusty's breakfast to him.  He woke up as well and began barking.  She was going to start getting ready for work.  

I finished up breakfast, cleaned up behind myself, then went and finished getting ready for work.  Once I was done, I gathered my stuff and headed out, but had to go back in to retrieve my sunglasses.  I did that and finally got in the car and headed out and in to work.  When I arrived, the parking lot again gave me a choice of spaces, so I picked one, parked and came in to work.  

My co-worker is here today, but he has a restriction on lifting, so I'm having to do that kind of stuff - unless it's too heavy, then I have to get my supervisor or manager to do it.  We don't yet know when the guy is going to have surgery and be out for a while.  

Today is my baby cousin's birthday - he's a year old!  A year ago we had no idea we would be celebrating his 1st birthday today - as he had such a rough start to his life.  First of all, he was born a month premature and so his lungs weren't fully developed.  He spent 16 days in NICU at the hospital.  It was touch and go for a while as to whether he would live or not.  However, praise be to God - he turned the corner, they sent him home and he began thriving.  Today you wouldn't know to look at him that he was a "preemie".  

I'm not sure what my cousins will be doing for the little fellow - to celebrate his first birthday, that is.  I guess they'll have a party of some kind - probably this weekend.  

This is all I have for now.....

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