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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Monday evening and Tuesday, April 26 & 27, 2010

Monday (4/26)

I left work at 6:55 PM and stopped by the post office to pick up my mail.  It was all junk.  I went on home from there and found the garage door down but knew that my housemate had been home and was gone again when i raised the door and then entered the house after I pulled in and parked and gathered my stuff.

I dropped my stuff in my bedroom; Sukiey was laying on my bed.  I hadn't seen her before I left for work, but wherever she was hiding, she had surfaced from by the time I returned.  I went on to have supper - I was finishing up eating when my housemate returned.  She had been to the club to work out.

We talked - she told me that her daughter and grandson had left to return home in the late afternoon.  He had played 3 matches that day and won all 3 so he raised his seeding for the next tournament.  I asked and she said that she was able to go and see him play in one of the matches as it was near her office and during her lunch break.  One of her co-workers was stressing out about something, so she invited the woman to join her to go and watch the tennis match - as she has a son about my housemate's grandson's age [14] - and she said that the co-worker went with her and felt better when they returned.

She also shared with me about another co-worker's family experiencing damage from the tornado over the weekend and having heard about it from that co-worker.  She said that the co-worker's 9 year old daughter was trying to console her.  The family members weren't injured, but they did have damage to their homes.

Later we each went on to our bedrooms and that was pretty much the end of the evening for each of us.  I made a couple of phone calls before going on to bed.  I spoke with an aunt of mine and also with someone in a circle of friends who is attending the Josephus class with me - she said she is excited and ready for the class tonight.

Tuesday (4/27)

Today hasn't been too bad other than the construction [or is it destruction?] work that is ongoing around here.  They're making some noise and I'm surprised it  hasn't given me a headache sitting here having to listen to it.

I plan to leave work early tonight so I can scoot home and get supper before going to the Josephus class.  I just sent my housemate an e-mail asking her to confirm that I have the directions to the church where the class is held.  I brought my Josephus book and my notebook with me so that if I don't get to stop by the house I can go straight to the church.

She responded and confirmed that I have the directions correct - it will be daylight when I'm heading there anyway, so I shouldn't have a problem finding the church.  It'll be dark, though, by the time the class ends.  I think I'll be able to find my way home, though!

I stopped and Googled the name of the church and got the address and phone number.  I have saved that information in my Josephus notes folder in my PIM.  It's a beautiful church and in a nice location.

Not much else to include for now....

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