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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Good evening!  Since my housemate is away, this morning when my alarm went off, I varied my morning workday routine.  When the alarm woke me up, I went out and took care of Rusty - I filled his water pitcher and his food container, then took that out to him so he could be fed.  

Once that was done, I went to take a shower and get dressed, then had my own breakfast and got ready for and left for work.  When I got there, I didn't know what to expect - whether one of my co-workers would show up or not, since he had to put his car in the shop yesterday.  But, he came in.  

I left early - took a couple of hours of vacation time - and stopped by my bank to cash a couple of checks I had received, then I went on and stopped for gas - paying $2.519 per gallon for it - gas has gone back up some and that's with my 10 cent per gallon discount due to a shopper card.  Well, after I filled up, I went to the grocery store and did some shopping.  I bought another Duracell charger and pack of rechargeable AA batteries, amongst other things.

Then I came on home and put everything away.  I had lunch - the last of the leftovers that we had grilled out on Saturday.  I also did 2 loads of laundry and got in a nap this afternoon.  

By the way, I did put the batteries in the new charger and plugged it in and have them charging now.  I've charged the other spare rechargeable batteries that I have in anticipation of tomorrow's E-Women Conference at First Baptist Church - Jackson.  It's tomorrow evening and almost all day on Saturday.  

I brought Rusty in the house earlier while I ate supper and spent some time in the den with him and watched TV out there.  I've since fed him and put him back outside.  

I was looking at something in the mail I picked up yesterday - an advertisement of a special sale from a store where I shop - and there was a coupon in there for 50% off of an item that I've been interested in purchasing.  I went online to see how much it was so that I would have an idea as to how much the 50% off would amount to.  The sale starts on Tuesday and ends on Saturday.  I've clipped out the coupon and will try my darnedest to get by one of their locations sometime next week and see about getting the item at that price.  

Well, this is all I've got for now....

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