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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tuesday & Wednesday ~ April 13 & 14, 2010

Tuesday (4/13) was my mother's birthday.  Were she living, she would have turned 84 years old.  But, alas, she is not - she left us nearly 30 years ago.  

Work was an okay day for me - nothing spectacular.  I came home afterwards and my housemate was not yet home.  When she did come in, it was obvious that she had made a stop at the grocery store since she had a number of bags and items to unload and put away.  She asked me to make some adjustments to the freezer so that she could put some frozen items she had purchased in there.  I did that and she got her stuff loaded in.

Then she said she was going to go to the fitness club and get a workout/visit in.  She started to change clothes, but wound up only changing shoes.  While she was gone, I went on to read some of Josephus and then went on to bed before she got back. 

Wednesday (4/14) I got up and kicked off my morning workday routine; after taking a shower, getting dressed and eating breakfast, it was time to finish up and get ready to head out.  

My housemate was traveling again - this time to a conference related to her work.  She left me information on where/how to locate and contact her if the need should arise and also gave me a pair of tasks to complete:
  • Give Rusty his Heartgard medicine
  • Move the grill back up under the covered section of the patio in case we should have inclement weather
I said that I would take care of them.  I went on to in to work and had a good day - again nothing spectacular.  I was able to get some reading time in of Josephus so that I finished Book Five; I did start on Book Six, but haven't gotten very far with it.  

When I left work, I stopped at the post office and picked up the mail.  Then I headed home - when I raised the garage door my housemate's car was parked inside.  She had told me that she would be leaving her car at home and riding with a co-worker.  

I pulled in and parked my car, unloaded my stuff, then brought the door back down.  Before I prepared my supper, I changed clothes - from dress clothes to shorts - and then went out and moved the grill as I had been asked to and promised that I would.  I let Rusty come inside too - so that I could give him his Heartgard medicine.  I did that and put the sticker on the calendar so that my housemate will see that I have done that too when she returns.

Then I went on to prepare supper and eat; after I was finished with it and a phone call I made, I got Rusty's evening serving of food ready and took him back out and fed him.  I did some clean up and a few other things around the house.

Now I'm going on to bed....

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