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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Monday ~ April 12, 2010

Good morning!  Is it Monday already again?!  Yes – the weekend went by altogether too fast.  At the same time, though, I’m sincerely thankful to have a job when there are so many without them these days and my housemate told me last night that someone she knows and used to work with may be losing hers – that she learned that the company that the friend works for may be closing.   

She returned from AWANA to find me eating supper – more of the grilled out leftovers.  I was finishing up as she sat down with a plate of her own to eat.  Later on she came back to my room as I had pulled the CVS photo center website where she could sign up for a photo account and had it filled in except for a password.  When she came back there, I told her what I had and that I needed her to give me a password – so she did.  I went on to sign her up for the account, then wrote down the website URL for her and what password she had chosen – I told her that the e-mail address I had signed her up under was her work e-mail.  I logged out of her account and into mine and uploaded the photos of Bobby that I had taken to an album – showing her how to do it.  She said she wouldn’t remember – but maybe she could try at work if time permitted and if not, maybe tonight we could work on it on my computer since she would have to bring hers up and get logged in to get on the Internet and it’s a bit of a hassle.  

I went on to do a couple of things and then headed on to bed.  Sukiey settled in with me and I fell asleep sometime past 10:00 PM.  I did talk briefly to a friend to let her know that I would not have the class newsletter out until today sometime.   She said that was fine.

The alarm went off at 5:00 AM before I knew what happened – that is, it seems like I just went to sleep and it’s already time to wake up again.  I got up and kicked off the morning workday routine.  I took a shower and got dressed.  Today I opted to wear my new Clarks sandals – the tan (or whatever color) ones.  I had worn my black Clarks sandals to church yesterday.  

My housemate got up – she was in the kitchen when I made it in there and we talked briefly.  I fixed breakfast and ate while she returned to her bedroom for a little while.  I got finished and cleaned up behind myself, then went and finished getting ready and gathered my gear and headed out – I raised the garage and took the garbage can out to the curb.  Then I went on and got in the car and headed in to work.

I found one co-worker was here by himself, I relieved him and soon after my shift co-worker showed up, followed by our supervisor.  My co-worker has had a busy morning – creating print from data someone sent over – and I’ve gone behind him proofing them.  I suppose that I need to stop here and go take care of some things so I can head to church for lunch.  

I’ll continue later…..

Alright, I’m back now – I left  and went across the street to drop the items I had to mail in the drop box..  Then I called and talked with my brother while I was waiting for a co-worker to meet me.  I finished up the call about the time she showed up.  I told my brother that I had gotten those baseballs and got them signed for the boys.  

Anyway, we walked over to church and we met friends waiting outside.  One of them had invited a friend of hers from a bank to come and she was waiting and watching for her; the other friend was waiting with her.  When we arrived, that friend went on in with us.  She said that our other friends were already in there and were holding down a table for us.  We went on through the serving line and then through to the table.  I found that they had saved my preferred seat at the table for me – my  co-worker arrived about that time and she noted that Baptists don’t like having their seating messed with!   It’s not far from the truth!  The other friend and her friend arrived – seats had been saved for them, but they went to another table behind us.  Cyndi was the speaker once again and she had a good message.  Afterwards, we took our trays up front. 

I need to pause here for a little while….

I got a call from my classmate;  I had left her a voice mail that I had sent the class newsletter out; she called to acknowledge getting the message and said that she had reviewed it and it looked good.

Earlier this afternoon I received a voice mail from someone with E-Women – she must’ve called while I had the phone turned off when I was at FBCJ.  Well, I listened to the voice mail a couple of times – I had to in order to get all of the information she gave.  She wanted me to acknowledge that I received the message by either sending an e-mail or calling a number that she left.  I called the number and got someone's voice mail and left her a message saying that I was calling in response to a message I received from the person and that as far as I know, everything is “on go” for me to volunteer this weekend.  In her voice mail, she said that I would be welcome to bring something to eat with me to the volunteers meeting because there wouldn’t be time in between it breaking up and the conference doors opening for me to leave and go get something.  Okay, I’ll have to remember that – as I’ll need to eat something – even something small – to balance my PM meds that I’ll need to take while there.  

I think our high for today hit 81 degrees – that’s where we are and it’s 4:03 PM.  We’re forecast to have good weather all through this coming weekend and I hope that holds up as I think attendance at the E-Women Conference will be down some if there’s inclement weather.  

I have checked but thus far have not gotten a reply from anyone that I sent e-mails to with the photos of Bobby Richardson attached.   I’m figuring that none of the women have checked their e-mail and that one lady may not be in her office today.  Stan’s e-mail is filtered through his administrative assistant – who forwards it on to him – so when he gets it from her, I’m sure he’ll respond.

This is all I’ve got for now….

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