My photo
PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Monday evening, April 19 & Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Monday (4/19):

I left work about 6:45 PM last night – some of my co-workers were here, but one  hadn’t made it in yet.  I headed towards home, but did detour by the post office.  There, amongst my mail, I found the package from a friend that she had told me about when we talked last week.  I headed on home and determined that my housemate had not yet been home – I raised the garage door, pulled in and parked, then lowered it back down and unloaded the car, then went in the house.  
I took my gear to my bedroom and then changed from dress pants to shorts, then went on to prepare supper and eat it while going through the mail.  The item that got my most attention was that letter.  I read it eagerly and also went through the coupons and the other items.  I found them to be quite interesting.  

My housemate had plans – she was leaving straight from work to go out to some friends' home.  The Vancouver group was reuniting to share stories and their pictures.  She had printed extra copies of some of her pictures from the memory stick so that she could give them to the others in those pictures.  

I did upload the 3 photos of Sukiey “tucked in bed” from my camera to my flash drive.  Then I mulled over about getting prints made of them – I refuse to go back to the store which is maybe a mile from the house – after the way I’ve been treated there.  Sunday’s episode was not the first experience I’ve had like that – it had happened previously on the Saturday between Good Friday and Easter Sunday when I went there to print pictures – I don't think I shared with you about the woman monopolizing the machine that she used.  The store manager acted in the same ugly manner towards me that day.  

Well, I got ready and went on to bed sometime after 9:00 PM.  I have no idea what time my housemate came in – I was asleep and didn’t hear her. I woke up again sometime after 11:00 PM and all was quiet; I went back to sleep and woke up again about 4:00 AM and got up briefly, then went and laid back down till the alarm went off at 5:00 AM.  

Tuesday (4/20):

I tried to be quiet when getting up and ready to go take a shower.  I knew Linda was home because looking down the hall, the lights in the den were out – and I knew that I had left them on when I went to bed.  I did go on to take a shower and get dressed.  Then I went to the kitchen and on out to get the newspaper – I raised the garage and found that it had rained some overnight and the paper was in a plastic bag – then I lowered the door back down and came back inside – and as I did, she appeared in the kitchen.  

I was kind of startled to see her.  I noted that I must’ve been asleep when she came in last night and she said that she was out there later than she had planned on.  She also said that the Missions Deployment Directors, were there.  She said she had to follow some of the group out so that she could make her way back to the main road and head for home.  And, she said that they did have a great time visiting and sharing pictures and stories with the directors.

I told her that my co-worker didn’t come in to work at all on Monday and that we already knew he wasn’t going to be in this morning – supposedly he is to be in around 2:00-3:00 PM.  She agreed with me – why bother to come in so late in the day?!  She got her coffee made and took a cup and headed back to her bedroom while I ate breakfast, read the newspaper and then cleaned up behind myself.  I also went and finished up getting ready and headed out and in to work.

When I got to the parking lot, I had my choice of parking spaces.  I chose one and parked and came on in.  My co-workers were here; I relieved them.  My supervisor came in soon after they left.  I’ve gotten the “top of the morning” work done and now have some downtime.  I uploaded the 3 pictures of Sukiey to my photo account and then finally settled on sending the order for prints to the store on nearest here.  Problem is, it closes at 6:00 PM.  The pictures are to be ready after 11:00 AM.  I told my supervisor and said I would call and verify that they’re ready, then sometime after that I’ll make a quick trip over there to pick them up and also get something for lunch since I forgot to grab something out of the freezer this morning.  

I’m not sure I’ll be able to leave at 6:00 PM.  It hinges on whether my co-worker shows up this afternoon or not.  Bob has something he needs to leave and go do.  Oh well, if I can’t, I’ll just have to go to that store when I leave here around 7:00 PM.  I checked and the website says that they have the flash drive I want in stock.  

I did take the time to log on to the photo store's regular website and send them an e-mail using their website form concerning my experience at the store on Sunday.  It does me no good to complain to the store manager because the person who treated me the way he did is the store manager.  I expect that I will get a response of some kind – phone or e-mail – from someone at the company as I’m sure they don’t want to lose a customer as a result of his actions.  My theory is that they can’t fix something if they don’t know it’s broke!   

On the other hand, I stopped to check my e-mail and see if I had any sort of automated e-mail from them in response to what I sent them on the website.  No, but I did have a personal response – from Stormie Omartian’s assistant – Susan.  This must be Stormie’s sister – since she went by Sue at the conference.  She said that the photos were wonderful and thanked me for taking the time to share them and said she would make sure Stormie sees them!  She also thanked me for working their table and said they had a lovely time in Jackson and I had a lot to do with that.  So, that makes me feel good.

I do have the 3 newsletters ready to go in the mail along with an envelope to an aunt of mine with some of the coupons that you sent me that she can use.  I don’t know when I’ll go drop them in the drop box on the corner of the Clark Building.  Maybe I’ll be able to do it when I leave to go pick up my pictures and lunch.  While at the store I’ll see about getting photo mailers; if they don’t have what I want/need, I’ll get them tonight at the other store.

Alright, I’m back now.  It’s 2:11 PM as I’m getting a chance to resume writing.  When I stopped earlier, I called the store near here to make sure my photo order was ready so that I wouldn’t drive over there for no reason.  Well, I wound up having to call 3 times – the 1st 2 times I got transferred to the wrong area and then back and eventually got disconnected; the 3rd time the guy I was talking to was able to check and confirm that the order was ready.  So, I left here about 11:20 AM and drove over to the store and picked up the pictures.  I took a moment and went to see about getting a couple of photo mailers, but they didn’t have what I needed.  So, I’ll need to pick up a pack of them at the other store when I stop by there tonight.

As a result, I purchased only the photos.  Then I left and headed back to work.  I was in hopes that my spot in the parking lot would still be available, but it was not, so I had to go in the garage and up to 4B.  When my supervisor leaves at 3:00 PM, I’m going to go to the garage a few minutes ahead of him and pull my car out and go sit in the parking lot and then take his parking space when he leaves.  I’d rather get it out at 3:00 PM so that I won’t have to mess with going in there to get it later – it's not normally locked until 7:00 PM – but I’d rather not take a chance on everyone being gone and the other supervisor and his guys running behind schedule and pushing it close to 7:00 PM; if it were to be locked by the time I would get out of here, I would just have to call the dispatcher and have him/her send an officer back over here to unlock the garage so I could get it out and I might have to wait a little while for that to happen.

Anyway….after parking in the garage, I came out and headed down the street to get lunch.  I carried my pack of photos with me and along the way, I showed the pictures of the cat to some people and they all thought they were cute – and that if they hadn’t seen the pictures, they wouldn’t have believed me if I had told them about Sukiey being tucked in bed – like a child.  I got my lunch order and ate it there, then returned to the work.  

I’ve got to pause here for a bit –  so I can be ready to head to the garage soon and get the car.  I’ll continue at a later point….

Here I am again….and my supervisor has gone for the day.  As he was getting ready to leave, I ducked out and went up and got my car and pulled it down; by the time I got to the parking lot with it, he was already gone – and yes, amazingly, the parking space he vacated was still empty, so I pulled in and parked. Then I returned to work.

My co-worker did arrive a little before 3:00 PM.  Thus far I have learned that he is going to have surgery but what kind of surgery and when I don’t know yet.  I’ll try to find out when and how long he’s going to be out of commission – at least – so I can plan accordingly – about taking any days off.  His doctor’s note said no lifting.  

My supervisor had said, when I went ahead and took a lunch break, that if my co-worker showed up  I could take an hour of comp time this evening.  So, I have filled out my leave request paperwork and will present it to him in the morning for his signature.  I also have my time sheet up to date.  

Alright I have to pause here for now.....

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