My photo
PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Friday, April 9, 2010

Good evening....

I stayed up late last night - till nearly midnight.  Then I went on to bed and fell asleep, waking up around 6:45 AM and finally getting up sometime after 7:00 AM.  Sukiey was in the bed with me - curled up near my head.  I hated to disturb her!

I went on to have breakfast, check out the newspaper and also took my AM meds. My housemate got ready and headed out to work [today's my day off].  I didn't have anything specific to do - other than make a trip to the post office and to the grocery store and also do laundry - so I was a bit on the lazy side with getting going this morning.

I wanted to add some of my photography to this blog, but couldn't make it work with a "stand alone" page, so I opted to utilize an image hosting service (free!) and put a link on the pages to my photos.  Then it was a matter of finding an image hosting service that I was comfortable with.  I finally settled on Shutterfly; I uploaded several albums worth of pictures and also created a photo site with them.  And, I've put a link on this blog to go and check them out.  

I took a shower and got dressed, then blew dry my hair and got ready and headed out.  I did stop by the post office and picked up my mail.  I was a bit disappointed to see that my TAF refund check was not among it.  

Then I went on to the grocery store and picked up a few things and returned home.  I got it all put away, then busied myself doing laundry - I did 2 loads, ate lunch and worked some more on the Shutterfly site.  I uploaded some photos I had saved on CDs to Shutterfly and also to a site that I use to send print files over the Internet to be printed for pickup.  

I placed an order for some prints that I will pick up sometime tomorrow.  Once I got through with all that - including the laundry - I took a nap.  Sukiey got in the bed with me.  

I took my PM meds and ate something to balance them in my stomach, then I was on the computer when my housemate came in from work.  I stopped to go talk to her; it wound up that I closed off of the computer and went with her to the workout facility - so she could get her required visit in - and then we were going to go pick up my photo order and take her memory stick with us along with the negatives from a film processing that she had done and have them scanned to a CD.  

We had put some of her pictures on the memory stick from the Canada trip on a CD.  We mistakenly thought all of the pictures copied, but they didn't.  So, she had figured out at what point the copying had stopped and where we needed to pick up at.  So, we were going to go do that.

Well, when she finished at the workout facility, we were about to head over to the place to pick up my pictures and get the CDs made.  Oops!  She didn't bring the camera with her - but we realized it before she turned to head to the store, so we detoured by the house and she zipped in and picked it up, then we headed to the store.

We gave the clerk the negatives and requested that they be scanned to a CD and also went and put the memory stick in the machine and selected the pictures to be written to a CD.  When that was done, I paid for my photo order, but we were told it would be about 30 minutes or so before the CDs would be ready.  

We went down the road to a restaurant that I had never been to before and got something for supper, then returned to the store and the CDs were ready.  We got some snacks and she got her CDs.  Then we left and returned home.  

I let Rusty in the house and at one point he was laying on his back with his feet in the air, so she grabbed her camera and tried to get a picture of him doing that, but was unsuccessful - he left that pose before she got it.  Then I went and got a dog biscuit and tried to get him to do it but he wouldn't cooperate.  I had to give him the biscuit; I went and got another biscuit and broke it into pieces.  

This time she got a picture of him sitting on command and looking up at me and taking a piece of the biscuit and he also laid down on command - and got a piece of the biscuit and then she got a picture of him rolled over on his back taking the last piece of the biscuit from me.  In the picture my arm is outstretched with his mouth meeting my hand.  

Well, she has since put Rusty outside and has "bedded down" in front of the TV to watch something - I'm not sure what - and I came back to my bedroom to work on this blog entry.  

I guess this is all I have for tonight....

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