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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Monday, April 19, 2010

Good morning!  I’m finally “caught up”.  As you may have guessed, the answer is yes to your question – yes, my co-worker is not here.  He either called or texted our supervisor and let him know that he would be going to his doctor this morning.  It remains to be seen whether or not he comes in at all today.  My guess is that the answer is no – we won’t see him today because that is typically what happens.  When the supervisor informed me that he was heading in to see his doctor, I told the supervisor that I almost called him earlier this morning myself.  

I went to bed around 8:30-9:00 PM last night.  My housemate had returned from AWANA and she announced to me that last night was the last night for AWANA for this semester; next Sunday night the kids will do a presentation and receive awards in “Big Church” as they call it.  So she’s free of AWANA after next week – if she actually has any involvement in that – until August. 

When I went to bed, I had a headache.  I had taken 2 Tylenol PM.  I finally went to sleep and then woke up about 1:00 AM and still had the headache, so I got up and took 2 more regular Tylenol (not the PM that is).  When the alarm went off at 5:00 AM I was free of the headache, but felt “drained” by it.  So, I almost called my supervisor asking to take the day off.  He said he was glad and relieved that I was able to come in.  I told him I still felt drained and asked him to just bear with me.  

I have since gotten all of the “top of the morning” stuff out of the way.  I didn’t get the class newsletter done last night; I hope to get it written and sent sometime today if we have a quiet period.  I’ve sent an e-mail to a co-worker  about some surprises I have for her from the E-Women Conference and asked her to call me if she would be able to come by the Center to get them since I probably won’t be able to run them up to her because we’re apparently going to be shorthanded today.  I also called and left another co-worker a voice mail checking with her and letting her know that I have some surprises for her from the E-Women Conference.  There was a tanker truck accident in the vicinity of where she lives over the weekend and part of a state highway is shut down.  I don’t know how that is affecting her but the newspaper said that some people had been evacuated.  

I typed up – in Notepad - my SS class newsletter and then copied and pasted it to an e-mail in my Hotmail and sent it, then logged in to Yahoo Groups and approved it.  The e-mail popped up in my Inbox and I printed copies for the 3 that I send to via snail mail.  I didn’t bring envelopes addressed to them, so I’ll have to wait till tomorrow to drop them in the mail.  

I talked with my co-worker – she asked about the E-Women Conference and I shared with her about it. I learned that she wasn’t affected by the state highway shut down, but one of her daughters and her family were, along with Vicki’s parents and a couple of her brothers.  So – she had extra people staying with her.  I told her about my busy weekend too.  

I called and left a voice mail for a SS classmate and told her that I had just sent the class newsletter and also told her about having the headache and feeling drained this morning and that my co-worker is not here – no, he has not come in yet – if he’s even planning to.  

There is rain around us, but I don’t think we have any falling here in Downtown at the present time.  It might behoove us to take our umbrellas along with us to FBCJ if we walk over.  

I did update my checkbook after having made some expenditures over the weekend.  I didn’t spend anywhere close to what I was prepared to spend at the E-Women Conference.  I didn’t even break out my debit card! .  

I will pause now as I'm heading off to FBCJ.  Later….

Good afternoon…..we walked over to FBCJ for the Women’s Lunch and we toted our umbrellas.  It came a sprinkle while we were en route, so we did put the umbrellas up.  By the time we came out, though, the sun was out.  However, I’m not sure that rain is out of the area.  

When we came back, she accompanied me to the Center so that she could pick up her work plus pick up the surprises I had for her from the Conference.  She was surprised with what I brought her.  I showed her the pictures that I got over the weekend.  Then a little later I called to check with my other co-worker and see if she was in today and she was – she said she had been really busy, but that she was going to take a “restroom break” soon and would come down at that time and see me.  

She came in and I gave her the stuff I had for her – she was surprised and she said that it was disappointing that she had to miss the conference as she had especially wanted to hear Stormie.  I told her about Stormie being such a trooper and doing all those meet and greets when she wasn’t feeling well.  She told me what they had learned on their weekend visit to see her father-in-law in the hospital – he’s 86 years old and has cancer.  

Some other things happened; I’ve since logged on to my e-mail and I sent photos to the volunteers I worked with in Stormie’s booth, then I sent a few photos to Stormie herself via e-mail – separately so that the others wouldn’t get her e-mail address.  Actually I sent theirs BCC (blind carbon copy), so that they wouldn’t get each others’ e-mail addresses.  But the real reason for sending Stormie a separate e-mail was that I wanted to include a note in there to her.  Sue (her sister) will be looking for an e-mail from me and I used a subject line similar to what I said that I would so she’ll know they’re from me.  

I have learned that – as I expected – my co-worker will not be in today; additionally, he will not be in tomorrow morning, at least.  According to what the supervisor said, he hurt his back when he was moving about a week and a half ago.  So that’s why he went to the doctor this morning; I have an idea that he may not be in tomorrow either.  Oh well…..I’ll deal with it!  

I need to pause here; I’ll continue soon…..

I forgot to grab Josephus this morning and bring him along in case I had some down time so that I could read.  Oh well…..

We have a mix of clouds and sun this afternoon and we’re cooler than we have been in a week or so.  I’ve had my light Starter jacket on since I left for lunch as my co-worker called to see where I was and she said it was cooler outside than she expected, so she had gone back and retrieved her jacket.  I had left the jacket in the car since Thursday of last week so it was there when I got out this morning and decided I might need it and so I put it on and wore it in this morning.  I had taken it off but put it back on when she called.  

I guess I'll stop here for now....

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