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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Update.....It's Been Awhile!

Good morning....

It's been awhile since I posted an entry.  Let me hit the highlights....

Tuesday (3/23) was the night of Josephus and we had a good class meeting.  We were assigned, for the next class meeting (4/27), to read:

The War of the Jews:

Book Five:

From the Coming of Titus to Besiege Jerusalem to the Great Extremity to Which the Jews Were Reduced

Book Six:

From the Great Extremity to Which The Jews Were Reduced to the Taking of Jerusalem by Titus

I haven't started on either of these yet, though.

Then on Saturday (3/27), my housemate and I attended an event at a place out in the country in Byram and had a great time.  We took lots of pictures and walked out in the woods and just enjoyed the scenery and visited with the people who live there.  They grilled out for lunch - great!!

Sunday (3/28) was Palm Sunday and we attended church in the morning.  There wasn't an evening service, but there was a presentation called The Wonder of Easter.  It wound up that neither of us made it to either performance.  

Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday (3/29-31) I took a class offered through work called Basic Telecommunications.  So, I was tied up all 3 days during the day.  I went on to take off early on Wednesday - since it was payday - once class finished.  I had some errands to run and took care of those.

Thursday (4/1) was a good day at work - it went by real fast.  It's my "short day" at work.  I left at 12:00 PM.  For lunch I met several friends at a deli in the area.  There were 7 of us that got together.  

Afterwards, I left and headed home, but stopped en route to run a couple of errands.  Then when I got home, I changed clothes and hung out at the house and did a few things - including taking a nap.  

Today is Good Friday.  I have a couple of errands to do and will get them taken care of in a little while.  I'm not in a huge hurry since it is my regular day off.


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