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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Sunday - April 4, 2010 -- Happy Easter!!

***Happy Easter!!!***

Good afternoon!  Currently I'm tuned to CSS and the Georgia vs. LSU baseball game.  Going in to the bottom of the 8th inning, the score is 10-3 LSU.  GEAUX Tigers!!!!

I attended church this morning - both Worship and Sunday School.  Of course, the focus in both places had to do with the resurrection of Jesus.  In Sunday School we read from an assortment of Scriptures and had a discussion concerning Jesus' death and His resurrection.  

We were done early; I left and made a stop at one of the restaurants that I knew would be open.  I got a "take out" order, came home and ate.  I let Rusty in the house while I was eating lunch, then gave him a dog biscuit and put him back outside.  

I changed clothes - to a pair of shorts and my new LSU baseball tee shirt.  And, I've taken a nap - while the game was in progress.  I slept for about 45 minutes, I guess.  

Update: LSU has defeated Georgia by a final score of 15-5 at Alex Box in Baton Rouge.  GEAUX Tigers!!!!

I've written and sent my Sunday School class's newsletter.  I also printed copies for the 3 members who don't have e-mail and I have them ready to go in the mail tomorrow - well, I have to add the postage stamp, but I'll do that before dropping them in the mail drop box.  

We hit a high of 81 degrees today and it has been a beautiful day in the area.  I've eaten supper and took my PM meds.  I also let Rusty in while I was doing that, but I've fed him and put him back out on the patio.  

This is all I have for today....

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