My photo
PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Update from Tuesday and Today

Tuesday - 6/29:

Not a whole lot has been going on this afternoon.  I keep thinking today is Wednesday but it's only Tuesday.  Tonight is Josephus class, but I'm not going and my housemate responded to my e-mail and said she probably won't go either. 

Wednesday, 6/30:
Good morning but it won't be morning for much longer.  I've had a busy one and so I'm finally settling down and able to begin writing this entry.  Let me back up and pull forward, though, and bring you up to date.....

I left work last night and went on home.  The skies were very menacing and threatening.  They were quite dark and it appeared that rain was imminent.  I did make it home, however, in dry conditions.  As I turned the corner, I saw the garage door was down.  I raised it, pulled in and parked.  When I gathered my stuff and went inside, I could tell that my housemate had been home and had left again.

Since she had indicated she probably wouldn't go to Josephus, I surmised that either she had changed her mind and had zipped home and picked up her book and notepad or she had come home and changed clothes and went to the workout facility. 

Well, I went on in and back to my bedroom to drop my gear.  I checked the thermometer in there and was pleased with its reading of 74.3 degrees.  At one time I saw it drop to 73.9 degrees, however it didn't hold there for long.  When I went back out to the kitchen after changing clothes, I found Rusty in the house. 

I knew that my housemate must be back since I hadn't let him in.  She and I both ate supper. 

I went on to get a call from my SS classmate.  I had sent her a text message that I had done what she requested with the singles office.  I let her know that I had also created the birthday card for the class member and will hold it till closer to her birthday before mailing it to her.  Debbie was pleased by all of this. 

Eventually I finished and cleaned up after myself; then my housemate finished up too.  After I was done with supper, I went in to bill paying mode. 

I went on to bed; it didn't seem like it was very long before the alarm clock went off this morning.  It rained overnight, I'm not sure how much, but whatever we got was most welcome!  We are still in considerable need of rain.  I went through the usual workday routine in getting ready and heading in to work.  I was surprised that I got here before another co-worker did this morning - usually he's first.  But - he was right behind me.  I pulled in and parked in the parking lot, although not under the tree like I have been doing since I was planning to leave anyway and go to my bank and the post office. 

I got in to work and found only one of the night guys here. I relieved him; my co-workers were in soon after.  I spoke to them of my desire to leave and go to the bank and post office, plus to leave for the day early, since I discovered this morning that I am completely out of one of my PM meds - I don't have one for tonight - and I need to go and pick up the refills I ordered at the pharmacy and I don't know what time they close.  I also want to stop at my post office to pick up mail and I have some mail to drop in there. 

I did leave and went down to the bank and got cash out, then went over to the post office and got 3 money orders that I needed, plus I got a book of "forever" stamps and 2 of the priority mail flat rate envelope stamps.  When I got back, I found the parking lot was full, so I had to go in the garage.  I'll have to make sure and go get the car out of the garage this afternoon between 5-6 PM. 

I returned to work. Then I walked with my co-worker to get some exercise in.  We were under cloudy/wet skies for a while and at 81 degrees; now we're under a mix of clouds and sun and are at around 84 degrees.  Still that's better than 97 with a heat index of 103!

This is all I've got for now.....

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

News on Chad Jones

Police: Alcohol not factor in Jones' crash

Alcohol does not appear to have been a factor in former LSU football star and baseball player Chad Jones’ one-car accident last week, police said Monday.

Jones to be moved to NY hospital

New York Giants rookie safety Chad Jones will be moved to a New York hospital on Tuesday after he was seriously injured in a car accident early Friday in New Orleans.

Jones, a two-sport star at LSU who was drafted by the Giants in the third round this year, is being transferred to Presbyterian Hospital for plastic surgery and additional orthopedic procedures.

Celebrate America Balloon Glow/Mississippi Championship Hot Air Balloon Fest

Celebrate America Balloon Glow/Mississippi Championship Hot Air Balloon Fest

Celebrate America Balloon Glow

Northpark Mall
Ridgeland, MS

Friday, July 2, 2010

Balloon Glow 2010 Schedule of Activities
1:00 p.m.  Karaoke Contest
5:30 p.m.  Welcome
5:35 p.m.  Karaoke Contest Winner performs
5:45 p.m.  Carlton South Carolina Show Band performs
7:00 p.m.  Candy Coburn performs
8:00 p.m.  Balloon Glow
8:30 p.m.  Tracy Lawrence performs
9:45 p.m.  Fireworks

Mississippi Championship Hot Air Balloon Fest

Schedule of Events

Thursday July 1st

6:00 PM “Launch Party” on the Square in Canton
- Enjoy Shopping with Canton’s First Thursday Art & Antique Walk and Balloons on the Square!

Friday July 2nd
6:30 AM Media Flight - Canton Multi-Purpose Complex
5:30 PM Celebrate America Balloon Glow at Northpark Mall, Ridgeland
5:35 PM Kareoke Contest Winner
5:45 PM Carlton South Carolina Show Band
7:00 PM Candy Coburn
8:00 PM Balloon Glow
8:30 PM Tracy Lawrence
9:45 PM Fireworks

Saturday July 3rd
7 AM Competition Flight in Canton
- See Hot Air Balloons fly over the Canton Multi-Purpose Complex
4 PM - 9 PM Mississippi Championship Hot Air Balloon Fest at Canton Multi-Purpose Center
4 PM - 8 PM Kid’s Fun Area
5:30 PM Patriotic Skydiving Team
6:00 PM Competition Balloon Flight
7:30 PM Special Shape Fiesta
8:00 PM Balloon Glow
9:00 PM Patriotic Firework Spectacular

Sunday July 4th

7 AM Competition Flight at the Canton Multi-Purpose Complex
4-8 PM Gospel Fest on the Historic Courthouse Square in Canton
- Headlining: Keith Wonderboy Johnson of Brooklyn, New York
- Featuring: The Anointed Family of Mines, Tiffany Clark of Gluckstadt, Gloria Collier of Canton, The Grady Champion Gospel Revue & Silvester Lambert and The Dynamic Stars

Monday evening 6/28 and Tuesday 6/29, 2010

Monday 6/28:
When I left work it was noticeably cool.  En route home, the "time and temp" billboard displayed that it was 80 degrees [actual temperature, without the heat index added].  This was after 7:00 PM.  Rain had apparently moved through the Jackson Metro area but I hadn't noticed when it rained.  We had a 40% chance of rain.  

I stopped by the post office for my mail and only had one item.  It was from my cousin in Louisiana.  She sent me the newspaper articles concerning her daughter's engagement announcement.  I was kind of surprised to get them!  I'll be traveling home to attend the wedding.

From there I headed on home and found my housemate was there and watching TV.  I learned that the "cat fence" had apparently done its job - as the temperature in my bedroom was 74.7 - which is tolerable to me.  Sukiey had not tried to climb the "fence" as far as I know.  I went on to have supper and then got on the Internet and checked e-mail, then got ready for bed.  I was up a little late as I had a couple of calls with one of my Sunday School classmates.  She had a request for me since she is out of town working.  We had both forgotten about the class "prayer calendar" and she also wanted me to create a flyer concerning our class fellowship.  Since we won't meet again until July 11th, she wanted me to get these to the administrative assistant in the Singles office and have her to print and mail them out to everyone in the class.  I've gotten this taken care of and sent her a text message to let her know.

Tuesday 6/29:

The alarm went off at the regular time this morning; I got up and kicked off the morning routine.  After my shower and getting dressed, I went out to the kitchen to find my housemate in there checking out the newspaper.  She went on to go have a morning walk and then returned about the time I was finishing up with breakfast and the newspaper.  She went to start getting ready for work; I went to finish up and then started working on getting out of the house.  After a couple of  "false starts" I finally got it together and headed out and in to work.  

I'm trying to get back in the habit of walking for exercise.  This morning my co-worker joined me and we went down to that air conditioned corridor and walked 4 laps which = 1 mile.  Then at lunch, once I finished eating, I retrieved my sunglasses and went back down there and did another 4 laps to = 1 mile.  Considering it's 1/2 a mile round trip between my office building and the building where the corridor is located, that means that I got another mile in just traveling back and forth twice.  So - I've gotten 3 miles in today!  

We have a 70% chance of rain today in Jackson.  I sure hope that it materializes as we can really use not only the rain, but the cooling down it'll bring.  The radar seems to indicate that there's rain all around the Metro; but the current conditions indicate a mix of sun and clouds and 90 degrees.  Alex, that tropical system, is supposedly going to deliver more moisture to the area - which is something I won't object to as long as it doesn't mess with the July 4th weekend since I have a long one coming.  

I need to sign off for now.....

Monday, June 28, 2010

Night Sky - Unusual Color/Cloud Formations

These are the unusual color and cloud formations from Sunday evening.....

Monday - Today....

The alarm went off at the usual time and I got up and got started with kicking off the day.  I took a shower and got dressed, then headed out to the kitchen and found my housemate in there checking out the newspaper.  She left a few minutes later and went for a morning walk.  She said that she finds it easier to go walking without Rusty because he slows her down - he wants to stop and smell everything along the way.  She's trying to get her walking habit resumed as she had gotten out of it like I had.  I plan to go and walk on the treadmill at the FBCJ CLC again soon.  I'm not sure what my schedule for doing that will be, though.  I'll have to see how things go and what kind of time I have available to do that.
I went to fix breakfast and eat and read the newspaper.  By the time she got back I was done and cleaning up behind myself. I went on to go finish getting ready for work while my housemate was getting her coffee ready.  She was heading to her bedroom as I was getting my stuff and about to head out and into to work. 

I left to head out and meet my co-worker to go to One Great Lunch Break.  I stopped at the  mail drop and dropped in some envelopes to my SS classmates, then waited for my co-worker.  She had something to mail also.  We went on over to FBCJ and made our way through the pay station, then through the food serving line and the salad bar, then it was on to the table where the "gang of 4" and the other group member were waiting for us. We found the schedule for July waiting for us; I snagged a copy and gave one to my co-worker.

My housemate and I met the people who hosted the graduation in the line at the restaurant yesterday.  One of them saw me and got out of line [asking one of the others to hold her place] and came up and spoke to me.  She asked if I got some good pictures from the graduation and I said yes.  She said that their camera malfunctioned and they didn't get any pictures.  She asked me if they could get my pictures.  I said yes and she thanked me.  Then we made our way down the line and the housemother saw me and she asked me as well.  I told her that I would send them to her but that I hadn't uploaded them yet.  I sent her an e-mail to let her know I couldn't send them by e-mail because I had too many.

I have gotten the pictures from the graduation uploaded and I copied them onto a CD for her and will put it in the  mail to her hopefully Wednesday but no later than Thursday. I had hoped to see them at One Great Lunch Break but they weren't there.  She replied to my e-mail with her mailing address. 

This is all I've got to say and share for now....

Saturday evening and Sunday....

Saturday 6/26:

Good evening....I thought I would add an update before heading off to bed.  I did take a nap with the College World Series game on TV; then I got up and got started getting ready to go out to the graduation.  I got changed and put on makeup, etc. and then sat down and logged into my blog and made an entry.  I logged out and off; when I went out to the den, I found that our friend was already here and it wasn't yet 4:00 PM. 
We headed out and down to Byram [to the place we went back in late March that was "out in the country"].  We got on I-55 South and as we reached the curve by St. Dominic's Hospital, traffic was stacked up and backed up.  For some reason, MDOT had traffic southbound down to one lane and that was the cause of the snarl.  She moved over in to the lane that was moving.  We got past the cones that had the other lanes blocked off and she was about to move over when she saw an MDOT truck coming toward us with guys in the back.  They were moving slowly so that the guys who were in the back could reach and grab each cone on their side.

Once we cleared them, she moved over and we headed on down and exited at Byram.  Then we made our way to Rice Acres, home of Buried Treasures. Jane required our help in navigating her there.  We took her straight there since we had been there before.  We saw that there were quite a few vehicles already there and they were becoming "parking challenged". Jane found a space and we parked and went in.  She and my housemate sat in the back; since I had my camera and wanted to get pictures, I sat up front where I would have a good view of the proceedings.  

We were there early; the event started at 5:00 PM and lasted till about 6:15 PM.  I got a bunch of pictures; after the proceedings were over, I got to the 2 ladies who graduated and got pictures of them with their certificates.  Then I went and found our friend; we found my housemate - in the "chandelier room" - and then we all went out back and I got a picture of them together with the lake as a backdrop; my housemate got a shot of our friend and me; then a shot of just me with the lake as a backdrop.  We departed after doing that and headed back to the house.  When we got in here, we found that closing the house up had us at 79 in the hallway and 79.2 in my bedroom. 

I changed back into shorts and a tee shirt, then went and fixed supper and took my PM meds.  My housemate changed as well and she went to the club for a workout.  We were going to have a conversation about the "baby gate" issue - we were talking about getting a couple to put up to control Sukiey and keep the hallway open so we could have air flow.  Well, when she returned, I was on the phone with my Aunt and said that I would come out and talk with her when I got off the phone.  I did that - but she was gone.  

She returned a little later - she had gone to purchased 2 of the baby gates we had looked at this morning.  I came out and found she was working on trying to put them up.  She asked me if I knew how to do it and so I took one of them and easily got it up.  Then I got the other one and put it up on top of the 1st one.  Then we located some cable ties and I tied the 2 gates together.  We decided that we need another gate - a 3rd gate - and we will also need more cable ties as we had just enough to tie the 2 gates.  

We've decided to change which door we have them placed on.  We currently have them put on the door going out in to the den, but we plan to switch them to the hallway door going into the living room tomorrow.  Linda said that even though tomorrow is Sunday, we have a "donkey in the ditch" - and so we'll go back tomorrow afternoon and pick up another baby gate and more cable ties and will move the 2 that we already have and add the 3rd.  We would've gone back this evening but it was too late by the time we realized we needed another one.  

Well, I'm going to leave you here and head on to bed.  Later....

Sunday 6/27:

My housemate and I got up - different times - and had breakfast and got ourselves ready and headed out to church.  Afterward, we connected back up and went out for lunch.  There was a huge crowd that turned out and we had to wait for probably 20-25 minutes [maybe longer] in line to make our way through.  

When we were passing the area where the drinks were, there was a sign up about the boil water alert and that the ice was okay [they were getting it from somewhere not impacted by the alert] but that the drink machine was out of service and so they were offering canned soft drinks and bottled water for $1.00 each.  Okay, by the time we made our way back down the line and got to that area again, the sign was still up, so Linda and I each got a bottled water.  We reached the person printing the tickets out; I happened to look at mine when she handed it to me and saw that I was charged $1.99 for my bottle of water.  Linda checked hers and found the same thing.  We questioned it and the manager was called over and he said that the boil water alert had just been lifted and so the bottled water had gone back to its regular price.  He was willing to let us have our bottles for $1.00, though.  However, he didn't take the initiative and tell the ticket maker to change our tickets.  I was inclined to give back my bottle of water and go get a glass of ice water instead, but Linda didn't want to hold up the line any longer in order to do that.  The thing was - if the alert had been lifted, then they should've taken down the signs immediately so that customers wouldn't feel "ripped off" by the price suddenly going back up - right at double what the sign said the price was!  
We went on and joined some friends at the table.  They didn't know if we had waited in that long line or had gotten disgusted and left.  We had a nice lunch with them.  We were the first to leave.  We paid our checks and headed out.

En route to the store we talked about the situation.  My housemate said she doesn't believe that the manager handled the situation right and as far as she's concerned, they no longer need her business as a result of the way we were treated.  I agree.  I plan to see if I can contace their HQ and file a complaint.  

We got to the store and got another of the baby gates.  Then we went looking for cable ties as we didn't have what we needed.  It turned out that they didn't have them.  So, we went down the shopping center to a  home improvement store and went in there and got a package of them.
This was our "donkey in the ditch" project on Sunday.  I refer to: Luke 14:5 (NIV), Jesus is speaking:
Then he asked them, "If one of you has a son or an ox that falls into a well on the Sabbath day, will you not immediately pull him out?" 

We returned home to find that the house was cool and comfortable - since the hallway door to the den with the baby gates was left open and the "wind machine" was left on and blowing the cool air from the den down the hallway.  We were pleased with that.  We both changed clothes, then worked on getting the baby gates in place in the doorway of the door leading to the living room - since it was inconvenient to have them on the hallway to the den door.  We worked with them and had difficulty, so I finally checked the directions on the box to see what I might be doing wrong and found out what the issue was.  I corrected it and got all 3 in place - stacked on top of each other so that there were just a few inches [less than 6 I'd guess] open at the top. Once they were in place and tight, then I took the cable ties and tied them together - it took  ties [2 for each gate].  

We feel like Sukiey will not attempt to climb up to the top because she will have a 5 foot 9 inch drop directly to the floor and the cat is scared of heights.  We will find out tonight when we get home how successful we have been.  Sukiey did not try to climb on the gates after we put them up yesterday afternoon - we think maybe because we were home.  

Once we got done with installing the gates, we both went to our bedrooms to "chill out".  She  took the newspapers with her; I went and took a nap with the TV on.  The house stayed cool and we were both pleased.  I went out and got a couple of pictures of the night sky - with an interesting color/cloud formation.  

Eventually I went on to bed after trying to upload the photos from the graduation and getting frustrated with my PC not doing the work.  

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Update ~ Overnight and Today....

My housemate called me Friday afternoon - at 2:57 PM [based on my cell phone] - to inform me that the air conditioning techs were on their way to the house. She said that she was locating her boss and was going to leave work and come home and finish out the work day working from home. 

I had taken a nap and had just woke up.  I got up and got myself together, then went to go wait and watch for the techs.  They arrived sometime around 3:15 PM and I got them started on the work that we had for them to do.  One of them was exceptionally tall - close to 7 feet I'd guess - and so he was able to reach the attic door and take the padlock off without needing a ladder.  

My housemate arrived and got logged on and began working from home.  The techs did what they needed to and we answered their questions and had a conversation with them when they were done about the situation.  

Then later on last night, we decided to rearrange my bedroom and got busy and did exactly that - we moved the recliner out and into the living room, then turned the bed around and went on to move some additional furniture around, plus we did some cleaning and vacuuming.  Then we stripped my bed and changed the sheets and pillowcases; we put on a new bedspread.  I've got all the old, dirty bedding in the trunk of my car and will go to a laundromat once I change work schedules and have a few extra days off and wash all of it as the machine at home won't handle these heavy items.  

I was hot and sweaty by the time we had this moving all done, so I went on to take a shower and get ready for bed; my housemate went to the fitness club and worked out.  I went on to bed after she got back.

This morning I got up and had breakfast while she took Rusty out for a walk; when she returned I was getting ready to clean up the dishes.  She asked me what time Target, where I had seen [online] thermal curtains that we were interested in, opened.  I told her 8:00 AM.

We both got ready - I took a shower and got dressed - and we headed out to Target.  We found a somewhat shady space to park, went in the store and with assistance from a store employee, located the area where the curtains and drapes were on display.  We looked them over and finally settled on a color called "cattail suede" which has thinsulate backing.  We got 2 panels of them. They're a taupeish brown.

After looking at some other things in the store - including the baby gates - we purchased the curtains and left.  Returning to the car, we loaded up and headed out.  We made a stop at another store in the area for some other things and once we got those and checked out, we returned home.  

We've since hung the curtains in my bedroom and even though it's supposedly 95 with a heat index of 99, it doesn't feel like it to me.  I feel the air coming from the vent.  

After getting those up, my housemate checked her messages and found one from a friend inviting us to attend a graduation this evening.  We got the details and decided to accept.  That friend is coming over to pick us up in a little while.  

I put some batteries on to charge to carry with me for use in my camera if needed; I took a nap, then when I woke up, I got dressed and am now ready to go when our friend gets here.  Currently I'm watching the TCU v. UCLA College World Series baseball game on ESPN2.  The winner advances to the finals.  UCLA leads 6-3.

This is all I've got for now....

Friday, June 25, 2010

Today ~ Friday.....

Being my day off, I slept in - till 7:00 AM.  Then I got up and kicked off the day.  I got my breakfast ready and then checked out the newspaper and took my AM meds.  I was in the kitchen trying to determine what to do about cleaning the dishes since the City of Jackson is still under a boil water alert.  My housemate came in - she was about ready to leave for work.  

She asked me to check the newspaper and see if we had to boil water to wash dishes or if we could use the regular tap water.  I told her that I seemed to recall that we should use boiled water for that purpose; I did check the newspaper, but couldn't find any information in it.  So, she asked me to go online and see if I could find the information and send her an e-mail with it along with a reminder to call the a/c company.  A couple of their techs are supposed to come today to do some work.  

By the way, in looking at the newspaper, I mentioned something from one of the articles that both of us got a big chuckle out of.  The City of Jackson's water treatment plant is located on Mule Jail Road.  We both got a huge laugh out of that - my housemate mused about whether they sent mules to jail on that road!  

She left for work and I logged on to the Clarion Ledger's site and got the statement on water issues from Mayor Harvey Johnson, Jr. and sent it to her via e-mail along with the reminder about calling the a/c company.  I went on to check my e-mail while I was logged in to my account.  She responded, we did some back and forth e-mails concerning the situation.  She said that she called and they said we are on their service list; I asked if she was coming home or if she wanted me to handle dealing with them.  She responded saying that she would be coming home, but she would call me and see if I was home so I could go ahead and let the techs in; otherwise, they would have to wait for her to get home.  

I went on to take a shower and get dressed and then I left and went to run a couple of errands - one was to purchase more tank tops.  I'm finding them comfortable to wear underneath a blouse or shirt.  I went to a nearby store and finally settled on a package of Hanes and got those.  Then I went by the post office for the mail but didn't have much of anything.  

I returned home and have since done two loads of laundry [including washing the new tank tops] and the second load is in the dryer as I write this.  Thus far, I've not heard from my housemate concerning the status of the a/c techs.  Since I am home and can keep an eye on Sukiey, I opened the hallway door and put the card table up as a barrier. 

I don't think Sukiey realizes that she can probably jump over the card table.  I got the tape measure out of the tool box and measured the height of the card table [it's on its side] and found it's 31 inches.  As long as we can get a baby/toddler gate that's at least 31 inches high, preferably without holes in it, I think we could put that up and leave the hallway door open even when neither of us are home and Sukiey will stay corralled.  

While I had the tape measure out, I measured the window in my bedroom again in the event my housemate decides to buy a set of thermal curtains for me.  That came to 54x81 [if I want them to go all the way to the floor; they will be a little long and the bottom will lay on the floor] or 54x72 [if I want them to stop at the window sill]. 

I guess this is all I've got for now - I've got a couple of tasks to take care of.

Ex-Tiger Chad Jones hurt in serious car accident

Ex-Tiger Chad Jones hurt in serious car accident

Former LSU football and baseball player Chad Jones was involved in a serious car accident this morning in New Orleans, LSU athletics spokesman Michael Bonnette said.

Chad Jones played on national championship football and baseball teams at LSU.

Better late than never for former LSU star McDonald

Better late than never for former LSU star McDonald

NATCHITOCHES — An accident on Interstate 49 kept former LSU baseball standout Ben McDonald from arriving sooner for Thursday’s news conference for the Louisiana Sports Hall of Fame’s 2010 induction class.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Point taken - Point of Grace at Pearl Summer Fest 2010

Point taken

Nashville-based Christian group expands fan base with foray into country music, cookbook

Shelley Breen, Denise Jones and Leigh Cappillino are the voices of headliner Point of Grace, harmonizing on positive, faith-based lyrics.

Point of Grace members Denise Jones (from left), Shelley Breen and Leigh Cappillino take the stage at 7:30 p.m. Saturday as the headline act for Pearl Summer Fest 2010. To their base of songs about God and worship, they've added songs about family and relationships.

Point of Grace members Denise Jones (from left), Shelley Breen and Leigh Cappillino take the stage at 7:30 p.m. Saturday as the headline act for Pearl Summer Fest 2010. To their base of songs about God and worship, they've added songs about family and relationships.

Favre tells newspaper he'd 'love' to beat Saints

Favre tells newspaper he'd 'love' to beat Saints

This Jan. 24, 2010, file photo shows Minnesota Vikings quarterback Brett Favre calling a play at the line during the fourth quarter of the NFC Championship game against the New Orleans Saints in New Orleans. Brett Favre says he can still play at a “high level” if he returns to the Vikings for a 20th NFL season.

GULFPORT — Brett Favre says he can still play at a “high level” if he returns to the Vikings for a 20th NFL season.

Drew Brees

Drew Brees:

Coming Back Stronger: Unleashing the Hidden Power of Adversity

After Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans, many wondered if the city would ever come back? With their stadium transformed into a refugee camp, forcing the Saints to play their entire 2005 season on the road, people questioned whether the Saints could ever come back? Super Bowl MVP Drew Brees knows well how to turn adversity into success.


Release date: July 6, 2010

Saints get rings

One side of the Saints championship ring shows the score of the score of Super Bowl XLIV.

One side of the Saints championship ring shows the player's name and number.

Saints get rings

NEW ORLEANS — The New Orleans Saints aren’t finished celebrating last season’s Super Bowl title quite yet.
Team members gathered at a downtown New Orleans hotel Wednesday night [June 16, 2010] to receive their championship rings from their victory over the Indianapolis Colts in Super Bowl XLIV last February.

Saints coach Sean Payton co-writes book entitled Home Team

Saints coach Sean Payton book truly reflects the Home Team

Home Team by Sean Payton: Book Cover

Today, the book, tonight the ring, tomorrow, the challenge. Wednesday at Emeril's Restaurant, New Orleans Saints Coach Sean Payton took time to reflect on and promote his book "Home Team: Coaching the Saints and New Orleans Back to Life."
Co-authored by Newsday Columnist and Fox News Channel contributor Ellis Henican of New Orleans, the book takes you on a journey from Payton accepting the job as the new head coach of the Saints following the Hurricane Katrina season of 2005 through the exhilaration of winning a Super Bowl in 2010.


Release date is June 29, 2010.

An all-around guy - Ben McDonald

An all-around guy  

Athlete. All-American. Golden Spikes Award winner. Gold-medal Olympian. Teammate. Husband and father. Sportsman. Ben McDonald. If you ask the folks closest to McDonald during most of the past 25 years, it’s more than numbers that brought him into the Louisiana Sports Hall of Fame.

City water pressure returns - Jackson weathers 2nd water crisis this year

City water pressure returns

Jackson weathers 2nd water crisis this year

Water pressure should be restored across the entire city of Jackson, and residents who were without water, should now have it, Mayor Harvey Johnson announced during an afternoon news conference today. - 4:36 pm   

Well I woke up this morning and had no idea that this was going on.  I figured out pretty quickly, however, that something was wrong when I got in the shower and the water pressure was about 50% of what it should be.  I was able to get a shower, but it took me longer than it usually does.  

When I got done and dressed, I went on to the kitchen and found my housemate was just coming back in from her early morning walk.  I told her that I suspected that the City of Jackson had a water main break somewhere near us because I had low water pressure in the shower.  

She said that she had noticed that the water in the toilet in her bathroom was yellow/brown and I said that I noticed the same color water in the toilet in my bathroom.  We didn't know that my suspicions were correct at the time; but when she was getting a drink of water to take some medication, she used out of a jug of bottled water.  

When I went to finish up getting ready for work, I turned on the tap and started to fill my cup with water to brush my teeth with, but noticed that it looked yellow/brown so I dumped it and went back and retrieved a bottle of water and used it for brushing my teeth.  

Then, when I made it to work, I walked in and saw that the TV was on WAPT [Channel 16] and they were reporting that there was a water issue in the City of Jackson and that the entire city was under a boil water notice as a result.  Once I saw this and took in what it meant, I grabbed a phone, dialed my housemate's number and got her on the line.  I went on to share with her what WAPT was reporting - and we concluded that I was on the right track this morning with what was going on at home.  She was happy that I had called and communicated this information to her since she was still in the process of getting ready for work herself and so she would know not to drink the tap water - any more than she already had.

The newspaper was reporting on its website that that the issue was a problem with a 54 inch water pipe - they didn't know if the main had broken or if a cap had come off.  It would eventually be determined that the cap had come off - which was the best news.

By the way, at its peak there were approximately 100,000 people without water in the City of Jackson; Governor Haley Barbour authorized heads of state agencies to, in their discretion, send home all non-essential state employees.  

We communicated via e-mail a few times concerning what action we might need to take to ensure that we have sufficient water supplies at home since there was the possibility that we could lose water completely or the pressure could drop even lower than it was already was.  So, we finally decided that I would leave work a little early and come home and check on the water pressure status, then call her at her office and we would discuss what action to take.

I did that - I came on home and went around checking the water pressure.  I found that - PTL! - full pressure had returned!  I changed clothes then I called and told her this and we talked about what action to take.  We knew we were still under the boil water notice; we decided that I would go on to the grocery store and get some bottled water anyway - just to be on the safe side.  

She had given Rusty tap water in his bowl this morning [before I called her to let her know about the boil water notice] and so she asked me if I would go swap out the water with bottled water she already had on hand.  I did that and then left to run a couple of errands.  

One stop was at the post office for the mail and to pay my box rental fee - that's done for 6 months now; then I went to the grocery store and discovered that there had been a "run" on the bottled water.  They were bringing in pallets of cases of bottled water so I finally found water for my housemate.  I had to call her a couple of times from the store before we finally settled on exactly what I should get for her.  

Once that was decided and the bottled water I would purchase was in my buggy, I went on to do some shopping while in the store.  I got a number of grocery items that I needed and then checked out and came on home.  When I got in, I unloaded and put it all away.  I had gotten something for lunch - so I sat down and had a late lunch.

I went ahead - since I planned to be at home for the remainder of the day - and opened the hallway door and put the card table up as a barrier to keep Sukiey corralled but yet allow air to flow throughout the house and keep the temperature cool.  Currently it's 75.7 degrees in my bedroom and 75 degrees at past 6:00 PM.  At this time the outside temperature is 94 with a heat index of 101 under cloudy skies and we have a 30% chance of thunderstorms this evening.  We had a 40% chance yesterday and we got them! 

My housemate has not made it home yet, but she ought to be coming in at most any time.  I'm sure she will be happy to find a cool house waiting for her!

I guess this is all I've got for now....

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Dusky Sky

This picture was taken last night [6/22/2010] in an open area along the side of the street  near where I live.  It was taken around 7:45 - 8:00 PM.  I've gotten a number of comments on it and wanted to share it.

Monday - Wednesday - 6/21-6/23/2010

Monday, June 21, 2010

Hello! I'm finally getting a chance to start an entry!  I had a very hectic day at work today.

The alarm went off and up I got and kicked off the day.  I had already showered and dressed and was in the kitchen getting ready to start breakfast when my housemate appeared, dressed in capris and a tee shirt.  She said that she was going to go walking - sans Rusty - and off she went.  She returned a little later about the time I was finishing breakfast and cleaning up behind myself.  She told me that she saw a few people out walking this morning and that she got asked where Rusty was.  She said that she told them that she had left him at the house as she's working on getting back into an exercise routine and, for the time being, can do better going without him. 

I told her that if I didn't have to be in to work so early I would love to go out and walk in the early morning like that with her.  We both mused about where the weekend had gone.  It seemed like it was just here a few minutes before for us.  I went on back to the bathroom and finished getting ready for work; when I came back out to leave for work, she was finishing up getting her coffee ready. 

I gathered my stuff, loaded the car, and headed off in to work.  I arrived and pulled in the parking lot and opted to park up under the tree that hoped would provide some shade to my car so that it wouldn't be so hot when I got in it and headed home. 

My co-worker and I did walk over to FBCJ for lunch and met the "gang of 4" along with a couple of others.  We had a nice lunch and a good message from the speaker.  We walked back to work afterward....

I'll pause here for today....

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Good morning! Okay, I left work last night and headed towards home.  I took a detour by the post office and was pleasantly surprised to find that while I only had 2 items, one of them was the signed bookplate that I had requested from Karl Rove for his book Courage and Conscience: My Life as a Conservative in the Fight.  The other was a mailing from the Sierra Club.  After picking up the mail, I went on home. 

When I got there, I found the garage door up and my housemate's car inside - of course - and I pulled in and parked.  I went on in the house and found she was fixing supper for herself; I think she had already been to the workout facility.  Well, she had the house opened up - by that, I mean she had the hallway doors open and the living room door by the alcove was also open.  She said that when she had come in, it was hot in the hallway and in my bedroom again.  So, she had opened the doors up to let air flow.  She had also put her card table in front of the door leading out to the den.  But, she didn't have anything to use to block the alcove door.  We discovered Sukiey had gotten in the living room and was getting where we didn't want her, so I had to chase her back to my bedroom. 

Finally my housemate was satisfied that the temperature had dropped enough plus the sun had gone down so we closed the doors. But, while we were both eating supper, we were subjected to Sukiey being on the other side of the card table - not realizing that she could probably jump over it or even knock it down if she really wanted to and gave it a good head butt.  After we got done with supper is when we closed the doors. 

After cleaning up after ourselves,she and I had a conversation concerning some things.  I shared with her that I had been able to attend the Women's Luncheon.  We kind of "cleared the air" so to speak.

This morning she went out walking sans Rusty again while I ate breakfast and checked out the newspaper.  She had told me last night that she had a doctor appointment this morning that she didn't know about until yesterday, so she would probably work from home till time to leave to head to the doctor's office. 

In other news....

I've gotten information on the Celebrate America Balloon Glow at Northpark Mall in Ridgeland and the Mississippi Championship Hot Air Balloon Fest in Canton.  I'm going to check with my housemate and see if she might be interested in going to either event.  I would like to attend one or the other - preferably the Celebrate America Balloon Glow on Friday evening - July 2nd.  I hope she'll want to go with me.  I can at least ask. 

My co-worker and I took a walk down to the air conditioned corridor this morning and made 4 laps through there so that = a mile.  Then later I went down to a local restaurant and redeemed my freebie meal.  I brought it back to work and ate it.

I need to pause here for now....

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Good morning!  I left work last night and I headed on home and found the garage door down - and my housemate had obviously not been home yet.  I raised the door, pulled in and parked, retrieved my gear and entered the house.  When I got inside, it was nice and cool in the laundry and kitchen areas; I went on to find that she had left the alcove/dining room door open.  It was also cool in the den. 

When I went into the hallway, however, it was another story.  I checked the thermostat and found it was 79 degrees; I went on to my bedroom and dropped my gear and looked at my thermometer - it read 78.4 degrees.  I changed to shorts and then went and opened up the hallway door leading to the den and put the card table in front of the door so that I could leave it open to allow air to flow down the hallway but keep Sukiey corralled where she couldn't run through the house. 

By the time that she came in, I had already eaten supper and was sitting on the couch working with my cell phone.  It had given me a message that my text message memory was full; I didn't realize it, but every single text message I had sent and received was still on there - obviously taking up memory.  So, I sat down and started clearing the messages - until I deleted all but one - the photo from my cousin of the engagement ring that her daughter received - from my received folder.  I saved that one.  Then I started deleting messages from my sent folder and got all of those cleared out as well.  I even had some draft messages to clear out.  I'm not sure how much memory all those messages were taking up but now there's plenty of room and I'm going to have to remember to delete messages as I no longer need them!

She didn't even realize that I was sitting there on the couch - she thought I was in my bedroom.  She went on to her bedroom and got changed and when she came back out I "announced" myself.  She was heading to the workout facility - she was happy that I had opened the door and put the card table in the doorway to keep Sukiey corralled and let it cool down back there.  By that time it had cooled down a little.  I told her that I had some stuff to show her when she returned. 

I went back to my bedroom and continued working on clearing messages.  Once I got them cleared, I went on to call and check with a friend, as she had called me several times with things she was doing on her computer.  She was on her way home after having been in her office at the shop.  When I finished that call, I went back out to the kitchen and was in there when my housemate returned. 

She prepared supper for herself.  Then I went on to share with her about the balloon events.  She's interested; it's a matter of how hot it may be as she doesn't like being out in the heat anymore.  She said she can't take it.  But she didn't rule out going to at least the Celebrate America Balloon Glow at Northpark Mall, since it's late in the day.

After we discussed some business and about the balloon activities, she decided to take Rusty out for a late evening stroll - he was in the house by that time and I had removed the card table and closed the door.  I said to wait and I would join them.  Then I went to my bedroom and got my keys, put on flip flops and even grabbed my camera.

I went out to join my housemate and Rusty [she had him on the leash and was waiting in the driveway] and off we went. 

The full moon was up - a couple of houses up the street I saw that I had a clear shot at the moon through some trees with the fading sunset - a "dusky sky" in other words.  So she and Rusty went on while I stopped and got in position and got a great shot of the scene.  Then I went and caught up to them.  When we returned to the house, we stayed out in the side yard by the driveway for a few minutes as it began getting actual dark.  Rusty was rolling around and laying in the grass and I took several shots of him [and one of her with him} but never could catch a shot of him completely on his back with all 4 legs in the air and kicking them like he sometimes does and we get a chuckle out of.  We even resorted to me going and getting a couple of dog biscuits to try to entice him to do it, but he wouldn't cooperate. 

Eventually we all came back in - well, she put Rusty back out on the patio, then she came inside.  She located his brush and went out there with him and brushed him down.  I got Sukiey's brush and brushed her down as well.  Finally, we called it a night and I got ready and went on to bed.  I uploaded the photo plus the photos of Rusty that I got last night to folders

This morning I kicked off the workday routine.

After showering and dressing, I went on out to the kitchen.  I was actually retrieving the newspaper when my housemate showed up.  She said she had a dental appointment this morning.  She didn't go walking as a result.  I went on to fix and have breakfast and check out the newspaper, then clean up after myself.  Finally, I headed in to work.  I parked under that shady tree again - for the 3rd time in a row this week. 

I ate lunch and was sitting and reading when my co-worker called and asked if I wanted to walk with her to pick up her lunch order and take the long way back.  I agreed and so I brought Christianity: The First Three Thousand Years by Diarmaid MacCulloch back to my desk and retrieved my sunglasses.  We walked down there and she got her order [she had called it in] and then we took the long route back.

I guess that this is all I've got for the present time....