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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Today ~ Friday.....

Being my day off, I slept in - till 7:00 AM.  Then I got up and kicked off the day.  I got my breakfast ready and then checked out the newspaper and took my AM meds.  I was in the kitchen trying to determine what to do about cleaning the dishes since the City of Jackson is still under a boil water alert.  My housemate came in - she was about ready to leave for work.  

She asked me to check the newspaper and see if we had to boil water to wash dishes or if we could use the regular tap water.  I told her that I seemed to recall that we should use boiled water for that purpose; I did check the newspaper, but couldn't find any information in it.  So, she asked me to go online and see if I could find the information and send her an e-mail with it along with a reminder to call the a/c company.  A couple of their techs are supposed to come today to do some work.  

By the way, in looking at the newspaper, I mentioned something from one of the articles that both of us got a big chuckle out of.  The City of Jackson's water treatment plant is located on Mule Jail Road.  We both got a huge laugh out of that - my housemate mused about whether they sent mules to jail on that road!  

She left for work and I logged on to the Clarion Ledger's site and got the statement on water issues from Mayor Harvey Johnson, Jr. and sent it to her via e-mail along with the reminder about calling the a/c company.  I went on to check my e-mail while I was logged in to my account.  She responded, we did some back and forth e-mails concerning the situation.  She said that she called and they said we are on their service list; I asked if she was coming home or if she wanted me to handle dealing with them.  She responded saying that she would be coming home, but she would call me and see if I was home so I could go ahead and let the techs in; otherwise, they would have to wait for her to get home.  

I went on to take a shower and get dressed and then I left and went to run a couple of errands - one was to purchase more tank tops.  I'm finding them comfortable to wear underneath a blouse or shirt.  I went to a nearby store and finally settled on a package of Hanes and got those.  Then I went by the post office for the mail but didn't have much of anything.  

I returned home and have since done two loads of laundry [including washing the new tank tops] and the second load is in the dryer as I write this.  Thus far, I've not heard from my housemate concerning the status of the a/c techs.  Since I am home and can keep an eye on Sukiey, I opened the hallway door and put the card table up as a barrier. 

I don't think Sukiey realizes that she can probably jump over the card table.  I got the tape measure out of the tool box and measured the height of the card table [it's on its side] and found it's 31 inches.  As long as we can get a baby/toddler gate that's at least 31 inches high, preferably without holes in it, I think we could put that up and leave the hallway door open even when neither of us are home and Sukiey will stay corralled.  

While I had the tape measure out, I measured the window in my bedroom again in the event my housemate decides to buy a set of thermal curtains for me.  That came to 54x81 [if I want them to go all the way to the floor; they will be a little long and the bottom will lay on the floor] or 54x72 [if I want them to stop at the window sill]. 

I guess this is all I've got for now - I've got a couple of tasks to take care of.

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