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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Monday evening 6/28 and Tuesday 6/29, 2010

Monday 6/28:
When I left work it was noticeably cool.  En route home, the "time and temp" billboard displayed that it was 80 degrees [actual temperature, without the heat index added].  This was after 7:00 PM.  Rain had apparently moved through the Jackson Metro area but I hadn't noticed when it rained.  We had a 40% chance of rain.  

I stopped by the post office for my mail and only had one item.  It was from my cousin in Louisiana.  She sent me the newspaper articles concerning her daughter's engagement announcement.  I was kind of surprised to get them!  I'll be traveling home to attend the wedding.

From there I headed on home and found my housemate was there and watching TV.  I learned that the "cat fence" had apparently done its job - as the temperature in my bedroom was 74.7 - which is tolerable to me.  Sukiey had not tried to climb the "fence" as far as I know.  I went on to have supper and then got on the Internet and checked e-mail, then got ready for bed.  I was up a little late as I had a couple of calls with one of my Sunday School classmates.  She had a request for me since she is out of town working.  We had both forgotten about the class "prayer calendar" and she also wanted me to create a flyer concerning our class fellowship.  Since we won't meet again until July 11th, she wanted me to get these to the administrative assistant in the Singles office and have her to print and mail them out to everyone in the class.  I've gotten this taken care of and sent her a text message to let her know.

Tuesday 6/29:

The alarm went off at the regular time this morning; I got up and kicked off the morning routine.  After my shower and getting dressed, I went out to the kitchen to find my housemate in there checking out the newspaper.  She went on to go have a morning walk and then returned about the time I was finishing up with breakfast and the newspaper.  She went to start getting ready for work; I went to finish up and then started working on getting out of the house.  After a couple of  "false starts" I finally got it together and headed out and in to work.  

I'm trying to get back in the habit of walking for exercise.  This morning my co-worker joined me and we went down to that air conditioned corridor and walked 4 laps which = 1 mile.  Then at lunch, once I finished eating, I retrieved my sunglasses and went back down there and did another 4 laps to = 1 mile.  Considering it's 1/2 a mile round trip between my office building and the building where the corridor is located, that means that I got another mile in just traveling back and forth twice.  So - I've gotten 3 miles in today!  

We have a 70% chance of rain today in Jackson.  I sure hope that it materializes as we can really use not only the rain, but the cooling down it'll bring.  The radar seems to indicate that there's rain all around the Metro; but the current conditions indicate a mix of sun and clouds and 90 degrees.  Alex, that tropical system, is supposedly going to deliver more moisture to the area - which is something I won't object to as long as it doesn't mess with the July 4th weekend since I have a long one coming.  

I need to sign off for now.....

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