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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Last Night ~ This Morning

Good morning!  I did succumb to taking a nap yesterday afternoon - but I only slept for about 30 minutes.  I had the TV on and was watching it, but just couldn't keep my eyes open any longer.  

Once I woke up, I resumed watching TV for a while; by that time, it was time for supper, so I turned it off and went to do that.  After eating and cleaning up behind myself, I returned to my bedroom and grabbed a book to read instead of watching more TV.  

I was in bed reading Forecasts and Faith: Five Keys to Weathering the Storms of Life by Channel 3 Chief Meteorologist Barbie Bassett when my housemate made it home.  She popped in to check with me and I showed her what I was reading and also mentioned that I had heard from a SS classmate about a singles event to take place Saturday afternoon/evening out at Old Trace Park.  Neither of us had purchased tickets for the meal from Cock of the Walk and it was already too late to do that.  She decided she would skip the event; I decided to take a pass also.

I resumed reading Barbie's book.  I found it fascinating and couldn't put it down.  I wound up finishing the entire book!  Barbie has certainly earned where she is today - she has "paid her dues" and has trusted God to bring her through every situation she has found herself in.  It was interesting reading about some of the "behind the scenes" stories and some of the things she has had to deal with.  She talked about the Fairfield/Madison tornado - in which her own home was damaged; about Katrina and some things that happened then that I don't remember hearing about.  Seems the regular news media wanted to concentrate on the negative side; Barbie shared about some of the personal and positive side during that time.

When I got done with her book [it's signed already] I selected another book to start on: Christianity: The First Three Thousand Years by Diarmaid MacCulloch.   I got through the Introduction and part of the way through the 1st chapter before I began feeling sleepy - it was closing in on 10:00 PM by that time.  So, I put the book down and turned out the light.  

I did sleep well overnight - I woke up a couple of times, but went right on back to sleep.  So, I still have no explanation for why I didn't sleep much the previous night!

I was awakened by a certain cat around 6:30 AM by the name of Sukiey.  She thought I should be getting up, but I disagreed.  I stayed in bed until 7:30 AM.  I've since had breakfast and checked out the newspaper.  

My housemate got up and took Rusty out for a walk; when she returned, she said it was hot out there already, even in the early morning.  Well, it's 83 degrees at the present time and Barbie said last night that today's high should be around 96 with a heat index of 105 to 108.  It certainly appears that we are going to be in for a hot summer!

Okay, time to go take a shower and decide what else I want to do today..... 

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