My photo
PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Monday - Wednesday - 6/21-6/23/2010

Monday, June 21, 2010

Hello! I'm finally getting a chance to start an entry!  I had a very hectic day at work today.

The alarm went off and up I got and kicked off the day.  I had already showered and dressed and was in the kitchen getting ready to start breakfast when my housemate appeared, dressed in capris and a tee shirt.  She said that she was going to go walking - sans Rusty - and off she went.  She returned a little later about the time I was finishing breakfast and cleaning up behind myself.  She told me that she saw a few people out walking this morning and that she got asked where Rusty was.  She said that she told them that she had left him at the house as she's working on getting back into an exercise routine and, for the time being, can do better going without him. 

I told her that if I didn't have to be in to work so early I would love to go out and walk in the early morning like that with her.  We both mused about where the weekend had gone.  It seemed like it was just here a few minutes before for us.  I went on back to the bathroom and finished getting ready for work; when I came back out to leave for work, she was finishing up getting her coffee ready. 

I gathered my stuff, loaded the car, and headed off in to work.  I arrived and pulled in the parking lot and opted to park up under the tree that hoped would provide some shade to my car so that it wouldn't be so hot when I got in it and headed home. 

My co-worker and I did walk over to FBCJ for lunch and met the "gang of 4" along with a couple of others.  We had a nice lunch and a good message from the speaker.  We walked back to work afterward....

I'll pause here for today....

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Good morning! Okay, I left work last night and headed towards home.  I took a detour by the post office and was pleasantly surprised to find that while I only had 2 items, one of them was the signed bookplate that I had requested from Karl Rove for his book Courage and Conscience: My Life as a Conservative in the Fight.  The other was a mailing from the Sierra Club.  After picking up the mail, I went on home. 

When I got there, I found the garage door up and my housemate's car inside - of course - and I pulled in and parked.  I went on in the house and found she was fixing supper for herself; I think she had already been to the workout facility.  Well, she had the house opened up - by that, I mean she had the hallway doors open and the living room door by the alcove was also open.  She said that when she had come in, it was hot in the hallway and in my bedroom again.  So, she had opened the doors up to let air flow.  She had also put her card table in front of the door leading out to the den.  But, she didn't have anything to use to block the alcove door.  We discovered Sukiey had gotten in the living room and was getting where we didn't want her, so I had to chase her back to my bedroom. 

Finally my housemate was satisfied that the temperature had dropped enough plus the sun had gone down so we closed the doors. But, while we were both eating supper, we were subjected to Sukiey being on the other side of the card table - not realizing that she could probably jump over it or even knock it down if she really wanted to and gave it a good head butt.  After we got done with supper is when we closed the doors. 

After cleaning up after ourselves,she and I had a conversation concerning some things.  I shared with her that I had been able to attend the Women's Luncheon.  We kind of "cleared the air" so to speak.

This morning she went out walking sans Rusty again while I ate breakfast and checked out the newspaper.  She had told me last night that she had a doctor appointment this morning that she didn't know about until yesterday, so she would probably work from home till time to leave to head to the doctor's office. 

In other news....

I've gotten information on the Celebrate America Balloon Glow at Northpark Mall in Ridgeland and the Mississippi Championship Hot Air Balloon Fest in Canton.  I'm going to check with my housemate and see if she might be interested in going to either event.  I would like to attend one or the other - preferably the Celebrate America Balloon Glow on Friday evening - July 2nd.  I hope she'll want to go with me.  I can at least ask. 

My co-worker and I took a walk down to the air conditioned corridor this morning and made 4 laps through there so that = a mile.  Then later I went down to a local restaurant and redeemed my freebie meal.  I brought it back to work and ate it.

I need to pause here for now....

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Good morning!  I left work last night and I headed on home and found the garage door down - and my housemate had obviously not been home yet.  I raised the door, pulled in and parked, retrieved my gear and entered the house.  When I got inside, it was nice and cool in the laundry and kitchen areas; I went on to find that she had left the alcove/dining room door open.  It was also cool in the den. 

When I went into the hallway, however, it was another story.  I checked the thermostat and found it was 79 degrees; I went on to my bedroom and dropped my gear and looked at my thermometer - it read 78.4 degrees.  I changed to shorts and then went and opened up the hallway door leading to the den and put the card table in front of the door so that I could leave it open to allow air to flow down the hallway but keep Sukiey corralled where she couldn't run through the house. 

By the time that she came in, I had already eaten supper and was sitting on the couch working with my cell phone.  It had given me a message that my text message memory was full; I didn't realize it, but every single text message I had sent and received was still on there - obviously taking up memory.  So, I sat down and started clearing the messages - until I deleted all but one - the photo from my cousin of the engagement ring that her daughter received - from my received folder.  I saved that one.  Then I started deleting messages from my sent folder and got all of those cleared out as well.  I even had some draft messages to clear out.  I'm not sure how much memory all those messages were taking up but now there's plenty of room and I'm going to have to remember to delete messages as I no longer need them!

She didn't even realize that I was sitting there on the couch - she thought I was in my bedroom.  She went on to her bedroom and got changed and when she came back out I "announced" myself.  She was heading to the workout facility - she was happy that I had opened the door and put the card table in the doorway to keep Sukiey corralled and let it cool down back there.  By that time it had cooled down a little.  I told her that I had some stuff to show her when she returned. 

I went back to my bedroom and continued working on clearing messages.  Once I got them cleared, I went on to call and check with a friend, as she had called me several times with things she was doing on her computer.  She was on her way home after having been in her office at the shop.  When I finished that call, I went back out to the kitchen and was in there when my housemate returned. 

She prepared supper for herself.  Then I went on to share with her about the balloon events.  She's interested; it's a matter of how hot it may be as she doesn't like being out in the heat anymore.  She said she can't take it.  But she didn't rule out going to at least the Celebrate America Balloon Glow at Northpark Mall, since it's late in the day.

After we discussed some business and about the balloon activities, she decided to take Rusty out for a late evening stroll - he was in the house by that time and I had removed the card table and closed the door.  I said to wait and I would join them.  Then I went to my bedroom and got my keys, put on flip flops and even grabbed my camera.

I went out to join my housemate and Rusty [she had him on the leash and was waiting in the driveway] and off we went. 

The full moon was up - a couple of houses up the street I saw that I had a clear shot at the moon through some trees with the fading sunset - a "dusky sky" in other words.  So she and Rusty went on while I stopped and got in position and got a great shot of the scene.  Then I went and caught up to them.  When we returned to the house, we stayed out in the side yard by the driveway for a few minutes as it began getting actual dark.  Rusty was rolling around and laying in the grass and I took several shots of him [and one of her with him} but never could catch a shot of him completely on his back with all 4 legs in the air and kicking them like he sometimes does and we get a chuckle out of.  We even resorted to me going and getting a couple of dog biscuits to try to entice him to do it, but he wouldn't cooperate. 

Eventually we all came back in - well, she put Rusty back out on the patio, then she came inside.  She located his brush and went out there with him and brushed him down.  I got Sukiey's brush and brushed her down as well.  Finally, we called it a night and I got ready and went on to bed.  I uploaded the photo plus the photos of Rusty that I got last night to folders

This morning I kicked off the workday routine.

After showering and dressing, I went on out to the kitchen.  I was actually retrieving the newspaper when my housemate showed up.  She said she had a dental appointment this morning.  She didn't go walking as a result.  I went on to fix and have breakfast and check out the newspaper, then clean up after myself.  Finally, I headed in to work.  I parked under that shady tree again - for the 3rd time in a row this week. 

I ate lunch and was sitting and reading when my co-worker called and asked if I wanted to walk with her to pick up her lunch order and take the long way back.  I agreed and so I brought Christianity: The First Three Thousand Years by Diarmaid MacCulloch back to my desk and retrieved my sunglasses.  We walked down there and she got her order [she had called it in] and then we took the long route back.

I guess that this is all I've got for the present time....

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