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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Saturday - A Busy Day!

Saturday morning my housemate and I went to meet "The Breakfast Club" at a local restaurant where we meet once a month.  It worked out that there were only 4 of us from the regular group [we have had as many as 12 that I'm aware of] showed up.  That was okay, though, as we had a good get together anyway.  

While we were eating and socializing, however, not one, but two, rainstorms blew through.  I had left the windows cracked on my car, so when the 1st storm came through, I was able to get out to the car and roll them up.  I borrowed an umbrella from one of the other attendees in order to go out there; while I was out there, I retrieved my own umbrella.  

When I came back in, I found that I was a bit wet in spite of having the umbrella.  The air was on in the restaurant, so I was not only wet, I was also cold.  My housemate had brought a jacket with her and she had brought it inside, so she loaned it to me to put around my shoulders to warm me a little bit until I could dry out.  That took a while. 

By the time we were leaving - about an hour and a half later - I had dried out and the storms were gone, but it was still overcast.  My housemate and I had arrived separately, as she wasn't ready to leave the house when I was.  I drove away and headed home; she got home a few minutes after I did.  

She had some stuff she wanted to donate to a local charity, so she asked me for some advice concerning some computer equipment.  I told her what I thought; soon after we headed out - again separately - so she could go to the charity's location and drop off the donations; I went to do some shopping.  

I made a stop at my favorite Christian bookstore but didn't find what I was looking for.  I went on to a nearby dollar store and did find a number of things that I wanted to get - and did.  I purchased a roll of wedding wrapping paper amongst other things.

After dropping all of the purchases in my car, I went to a nearby beauty supply to get a couple of cans of hair spray.  Lo and behold, I ran into my housemate in there.  We hadn't known we were planning to go to the same places to shop, or we would've gone together.  When she finished with her purchase, she left and went over to the Christian bookstore; I headed home.  She came in a little later.  

Then, later on, we headed out again - this time together - in my car.  I had a free meal coming from a local restaurant that I had made a "reservation" for.  We went to the mall and I placed my order and got it; she placed hers and got it.  We left the mall and came home and ate as it was just too noisy at the mall for our liking. 

Later in the day, I went on to try to catch the LSU vs. UCLA game.  It was supposed to be available on but it was blacked out.  I was trying to watch it on a feed based on a link provided on LSU's baseball Facebook page.  However, that didn't work out, so I've "watched" it for a while on the Facebook page - waiting for people to post updates.  

Finally I'm going on to bed - I'll check the outcome in the morning.

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