My photo
PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Past Few Days.....

Saturday 6/12

I had breakfast, read the newspaper and then took a shower and got dressed.  Linda has been doing some cleaning that she has needed to do; she had the World Cup match between England and the USA on while she was working.  I watched college baseball.  We've since eaten either a late lunch or an early supper [take your pick]. 

I was about to fall asleep when I got a call from one of my ALABAMA fan friends.  She called from Ft. Payne [FAD weekend, remember?].

Kelly joined Randy on stage to speak to the fans in attendance.  She thanked the fans for their support all through the years.  She said that Randy did go on to do a full concert; the attendance was less than it has been in years past.  She said that everyone was in shock - me too - and I'd venture to guess that you will be too when you read this.

And, on that note, I'm going to pause for the time being.  I'll continue later....

I'm back now - I watched an Arena Football League game featuring the Spokane Shock v. Orlando Predators! 

This afternoon at Old Trace Park there was a Singles Outing.  Then those who had purchased tickets in advance were to go to Cock of the Walk for supper; those who hadn't purchased tickets could go, but would not be able to sit with the group.  My housemate decided that she didn't want to go; she kept trying to encourage me to see if I could find someone to connect with and go out there.  I contacted a classmate, but she didn't know of anyone that I might be able to go with.  I don't know how to get out there; I opted to, like my housemate, stay home.  We were both in agreement about it being just too hot to go out there. 

This is all I've got for now....

Sunday, 6/13:

Good afternoon!  To update you concerning the Spokane Shock v. Orlando Predators, well the game was a dandy!  And, the Spokane Shock won with just a few seconds left.  I don't remember the final score, but it was by less than a touchdown - and the Shock scored less than 60 points [their average] for the first time this season.  The Predators fans were in shock [pun intended] at the win by the Shock.

Once the game was over, I got ready and headed off to bed. I got a good night's sleep; I had set my alarm clock in my phone to alarm at 6:30 AM and when it went off, I grabbed it and shut it off and then set it again for 6:45 AM.  Well, Sukiey thought I should get up, but I refused until the phone alarmed again.

Then, I did get up and went on to kick off the morning.  I found my housemate was already up and in the kitchen.  She said it was already hot out there - I'm not sure what the temperature was - as she had taken Rusty out for a short walk this morning.  She said not many people were out with their dogs at that time. 

I went on to have breakfast and check out the newspaper while Linda retreated to her bedroom with her coffee.  I cleaned up after myself and then went and took a shower and got dressed and ready for church.  We and I rode together in her car and parked in her preferred parking area.  Then we headed on in through the Chapel entrance.  She went to her SS class, while I went up to the Sanctuary for 1st Service.  Then at the 2nd hour we swapped. 

My teacher went long with Sunday School for a change - I was thinking that surely my housemate would be waiting outside for me, but when I came out, I discovered this was not the case.  I waited a few minutes for her, then we departed.  Well, we were trying to decide and as we had about settled on stopping at one place [we actually pulled in and drove through and back out] and then she decided she wanted somewhere else and so we headed off in that direction instead. 

We got there, went inside and had placed our orders and were waiting for them [to go] when my cell rang.  It was one of our friends; she wanted to know if we were going to eat anywhere.  I told her that we were  picking up lunch to go.  She said okay - she was hoping we would be going to our usual place.  I guess that busted my housemate's idea that another friend may have gone to a different church this morning too.

Once we got our orders, we headed towards home.  When we got here and pulled in the garage, Rusty began sounding off.  My housemate asked me what it is that I call him and I said "Sir Barks-A-Lot".  He was barking a lot, so before she sat down to eat, she let him in the house in order to silence him. 
Well, this is all I've got for now.  I'll continue later.....

Alright, I'm back now and it's 5:11PM.  I won't be going back to church tonight, but my housemate is getting changed and ready to go back.  She had changed from  her church clothes and had settled down on the couch in the den to watch TV with Rusty inside.  It was around 1:30 PM when I stopped writing to you earlier; I got in bed to watch college baseball on TV and fell asleep for about 90 minutes [roughly] and when I woke up, I sat down at the computer and put together a draft of my class e-newsletter. 

Then a little later, I went out to the den and found she was up.  I grabbed a drink and came on back to my bedroom.  Well, a few minutes later, she popped her head in here to tell me that I didn't have to stay cooped up in my bedroom.  I was working on the computer so I had to be where it is.

My housemate left for church probably 25 minutes ago.  I've taken my PM meds and have eaten a light supper.  I've also spoken with a classmate and have confirmed that I got all of the prayer requests and have them accurately.  I haven't copied the draft to an e-mail and sent it yet, but I will before much longer. 

Well - this is all I have for now....

Monday 6/14

I went on to get back into e-mail and copied and pasted the text of the newsletter to an e-mail and sent it, then approved it. 

I was on the phone with an Aunt when Linda returned from church.  I got ready and headed on to bed, only to get on the phone with my cousin Ray in California. I had called another Aunt, but she said that she and my Uncle were already in bed and she mentioned something about having moved.  I had no idea what she was talking about, but agreed to call her at an earlier time today. 

After hanging up with her, I called my cousin in California; I thought perhaps he might know what this was about.  No - he did not have any idea what I was talking about.  He had heard nothing about it either.  He and I talked for more than 45 minutes; that put me closing in on 10:00 PM getting to bed and to sleep. 

This morning around 2:00 AM I was awakened by Sukiey.  She was meowing - fussing about something.  I couldn't figure out what it might be; she did it a 2nd time.  I got up and chased her back into my bedroom and this time I closed the door almost all the way - as far as it would close with the rack hanging on the back of it.  I was afraid Sukiey's fussing might awaken my housemate. 

I went on back to sleep as Sukiey got in the bed with me and settled down for a while - then got up and started fussing some more around 4:00 AM.  I got her settled back down and I dozed back off until the alarm went off at 5:00 AM.  I went on to kick off the workday routine.  After taking a shower and getting dressed, I headed out to the kitchen and discovered my housemate was not yet up.  I went out and got the newspaper, then came back in and was starting to get breakfast ready when she emerged into the kitchen. 

I mentioned to her about Sukiey fussing during the night and she said that she hadn't heard the cat.  I told her that I couldn't figure out what Sukiey was fussing about.  I went on to get breakfast ready and take it to the table and check out the newspaper.  She had noted that she was behind schedule, so she asked me if I would take the garbage out to the street for her before I left and I said that I would.  She went on to get her coffee and go back to her bedroom. 

I ate breakfast, cleaned up behind myself, went and finished up getting ready for work, then hauled my gear to the car and also took out the garbage as requested.  Before leaving, however, I had to make a "pit stop" and while I was doing that, I realized why Sukiey had been fussing overnight.  She was trying to tell me that I needed to clean and change her litter box.  I told her that I didn't have time to do it before heading in to work, but that I would take care of it when I got home tonight. 

I got ready to head out and as I was leaving, I called in to give a heads up that I might be a few minutes late.  I backed out of the garage and down the driveway, lowering the garage door in the process since my housemate was going to be home alone. I headed on in to work and arrived right behind my supervisor,so I was not late after all - but with morning rush hour traffic, it's hard to know.

The class e-newsletters were ready to go in the mail.  When I went to meet a co-worker to walk over to FBCJ for the Women's Luncheon, I took them with me and dropped them in the mailbox. 

I'm going to pause here for today....

Tuesday, 6/15

Good morning!  I left work last night and I headed home, but detoured by the post office for the mail.  I had several pieces of junk, which I disposed of and only one "good" item - my Comcast bill. 

I went on home and when I got there, the garage door was down, so I raised it, pulled in and parked.  When I entered the house, I knew that my housemate had been home and had left again - most likely to the fitness club. I went on to my bedroom and dropped my gear, then changed out of my work clothes and went on to eat supper. 

I had promised Sukiey that I would clean and change her litter box, so once I finsihed supper, I kept that promise, taking the litter box out to the garage.  I got that task done and disposed of the dirty litter [bagged up, of course] in the big can in the garage.  Then I hauled the clean litter box in and put it in place for her.  I suppose she appreciated it. 

I was on the phone with another of my cousins in California when my housemate came in.  I didn't know she had come in though, until after I ended the call.  I went back out to the kitchen and realized she had returned home, then figured out that she and Rusty were out having an evening walk.  I was still in there when they returned.

She said that all of the air conditioners in Jackson must be broken and that she had to call several times before she could reach anyone at the air conditioning place she uses.  She said that she was told it would be today before a tech would be able to come and check out the problem with the vent in my bedroom and it would probably be around 12:00 PM, so they were going to call her when they were going to be able to come so she could meet them at the house.  I asked if she needed me to be there and she said she didn't thinkit would be necessary. 

When we were both getting ready to head off to bed, She decided to leave the hallway doors to the den and the living room plus the door between the living room and the alcove by her desk open.  I was wondering about that since it meant Sukiey could go anywhere in the house except for her bedroom or the spare bedroom. She said it would be okay for one night and in order to let some air circulate.  Additionally, we took the "wind machine" out of my bedroom and grabbed an extension cord - a heavy duty one since we weren't sure about a "regular" type of cord - if it would be adequate or not - and plugged it up in the spare bedroom then ran the cord under the door and closed it back and tied it again.  We connected the "wind machine" to the extension cord and set it up in the hallway across from my bedroom so that it would blow into my bedroom.  She said that it had seemed to be blowing air out of my bedroom into the hallway. 

As she was heading into her bedroom, she said that she had an early morning doctor appointment and she asked me to come knock on her door when i got up at 5:00 AM.  She said that the doctor's office is out near her office but with early morning traffic in that area, she would need to leave early.  I went on to bed and Sukiey joined me for a while.  When I got up to shut off the alarm this morning, though, she was nowhere in my bedroom to be seen. 

I stopped and knocked on my housemate's door then went to look for Sukiey and found her on the coffee table in the living room.  She probably didn't know what to make of having the run of the house last night!  When she saw me, she jumped down and went back to my bedroom. 

I went on to take a shower and get dressed.  I went on out to the kitchen and found that my housemate had gotten up and had her coffee and was already on her way back to her bedroom.  I fixed and ate breakfast, along with checking out the newspaper, then cleaned up behind myself. I went on to go finish getting ready for work; by that time she was in the kitchen getting something to eat and she was dressed and ready for work. 

She was closing all of the doors back and wanted me to make sure of Sukiey's whereabouts - I located her in my bedroom.  She said that rather than leave the house open like we had last night to allow air flow, she wanted to close it back up so that the tech could see it how it normally is when he comes to make his service call. 

She left just ahead of me.  I was right behind her, so I lowered the garage door when I exited the garage.  I headed on in to work and my supervisor was right behind me.  I was about to start logging in after talking with a co-worker who was going off-duty.  I saw what the
time was and my co-worker wasn't here; as I was starting to log in, my supervisor came out of his conference with the other supervisor and let me know that my co-worker wouldn't be at work today.

Okay, I need to pause for now....

Alright - guess what is happening outside?!  A thunderstorm!!  Yep - we are getting a good thunderstorm and apparently some much needed rain!!  As of 12:30 PM [prior to the thunderstorm's arrival] it was 94 with a heat index of 99 but we have since cooled down to 88 but I don't know what the heat index is at this time.  We were under a severe thunderstorm warning till 2:15 PM CDT.

A co-worker and I went for a walk and then stopped and I picked up lunch and brought it back and went on to lunch. I ate and then went down to the air conditioned corridor and walked 4 laps.  A couple of ladies who were walking in there for exercise [it was obvious] told me that 4 laps = 1 mile.  I had heard that it was 2 laps = 1mile so I guess that I need to get a new pedometer and use it and see what it records. 

Anyway, when I returned from walking, I had issues with my workstation  but finally my supervisor got it working for me.  When I got logged back in, I found my housemate had sent an e-mail that she was at home and that she had checked and found air coming out of the vent in my bedroom.  I responded and asked if she was going to cancel the call or let the tech come on out and she replied that she had already scheduled it so she was going to go through with it.  Then a little while ago I called to check and see if the weather was bad in the neighborhood like it was down here and she said yes.  She has Rusty inside and Sukiey is back in my bedroom somewhere - probably under the bed. 

My housemate later sent me an e-mail saying that the vents are all open; the drain on the washer is stopped up but the tech couldn't clean it because of all of the lightning.  He will have to come back tomorrow to do that. She is going to stay at home and work from home for the remainder of the day even though the tech has come and gone.  Really  there's no sense in her driving all the way back to her office anyway - as late in the day as it was when he got done.

Well this is all for the present time....

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