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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Monday - Today....

The alarm went off at the usual time and I got up and got started with kicking off the day.  I took a shower and got dressed, then headed out to the kitchen and found my housemate in there checking out the newspaper.  She left a few minutes later and went for a morning walk.  She said that she finds it easier to go walking without Rusty because he slows her down - he wants to stop and smell everything along the way.  She's trying to get her walking habit resumed as she had gotten out of it like I had.  I plan to go and walk on the treadmill at the FBCJ CLC again soon.  I'm not sure what my schedule for doing that will be, though.  I'll have to see how things go and what kind of time I have available to do that.
I went to fix breakfast and eat and read the newspaper.  By the time she got back I was done and cleaning up behind myself. I went on to go finish getting ready for work while my housemate was getting her coffee ready.  She was heading to her bedroom as I was getting my stuff and about to head out and into to work. 

I left to head out and meet my co-worker to go to One Great Lunch Break.  I stopped at the  mail drop and dropped in some envelopes to my SS classmates, then waited for my co-worker.  She had something to mail also.  We went on over to FBCJ and made our way through the pay station, then through the food serving line and the salad bar, then it was on to the table where the "gang of 4" and the other group member were waiting for us. We found the schedule for July waiting for us; I snagged a copy and gave one to my co-worker.

My housemate and I met the people who hosted the graduation in the line at the restaurant yesterday.  One of them saw me and got out of line [asking one of the others to hold her place] and came up and spoke to me.  She asked if I got some good pictures from the graduation and I said yes.  She said that their camera malfunctioned and they didn't get any pictures.  She asked me if they could get my pictures.  I said yes and she thanked me.  Then we made our way down the line and the housemother saw me and she asked me as well.  I told her that I would send them to her but that I hadn't uploaded them yet.  I sent her an e-mail to let her know I couldn't send them by e-mail because I had too many.

I have gotten the pictures from the graduation uploaded and I copied them onto a CD for her and will put it in the  mail to her hopefully Wednesday but no later than Thursday. I had hoped to see them at One Great Lunch Break but they weren't there.  She replied to my e-mail with her mailing address. 

This is all I've got to say and share for now....

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