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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Update ~ Overnight and Today....

My housemate called me Friday afternoon - at 2:57 PM [based on my cell phone] - to inform me that the air conditioning techs were on their way to the house. She said that she was locating her boss and was going to leave work and come home and finish out the work day working from home. 

I had taken a nap and had just woke up.  I got up and got myself together, then went to go wait and watch for the techs.  They arrived sometime around 3:15 PM and I got them started on the work that we had for them to do.  One of them was exceptionally tall - close to 7 feet I'd guess - and so he was able to reach the attic door and take the padlock off without needing a ladder.  

My housemate arrived and got logged on and began working from home.  The techs did what they needed to and we answered their questions and had a conversation with them when they were done about the situation.  

Then later on last night, we decided to rearrange my bedroom and got busy and did exactly that - we moved the recliner out and into the living room, then turned the bed around and went on to move some additional furniture around, plus we did some cleaning and vacuuming.  Then we stripped my bed and changed the sheets and pillowcases; we put on a new bedspread.  I've got all the old, dirty bedding in the trunk of my car and will go to a laundromat once I change work schedules and have a few extra days off and wash all of it as the machine at home won't handle these heavy items.  

I was hot and sweaty by the time we had this moving all done, so I went on to take a shower and get ready for bed; my housemate went to the fitness club and worked out.  I went on to bed after she got back.

This morning I got up and had breakfast while she took Rusty out for a walk; when she returned I was getting ready to clean up the dishes.  She asked me what time Target, where I had seen [online] thermal curtains that we were interested in, opened.  I told her 8:00 AM.

We both got ready - I took a shower and got dressed - and we headed out to Target.  We found a somewhat shady space to park, went in the store and with assistance from a store employee, located the area where the curtains and drapes were on display.  We looked them over and finally settled on a color called "cattail suede" which has thinsulate backing.  We got 2 panels of them. They're a taupeish brown.

After looking at some other things in the store - including the baby gates - we purchased the curtains and left.  Returning to the car, we loaded up and headed out.  We made a stop at another store in the area for some other things and once we got those and checked out, we returned home.  

We've since hung the curtains in my bedroom and even though it's supposedly 95 with a heat index of 99, it doesn't feel like it to me.  I feel the air coming from the vent.  

After getting those up, my housemate checked her messages and found one from a friend inviting us to attend a graduation this evening.  We got the details and decided to accept.  That friend is coming over to pick us up in a little while.  

I put some batteries on to charge to carry with me for use in my camera if needed; I took a nap, then when I woke up, I got dressed and am now ready to go when our friend gets here.  Currently I'm watching the TCU v. UCLA College World Series baseball game on ESPN2.  The winner advances to the finals.  UCLA leads 6-3.

This is all I've got for now....

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