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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Update from Tuesday and Today

Tuesday - 6/29:

Not a whole lot has been going on this afternoon.  I keep thinking today is Wednesday but it's only Tuesday.  Tonight is Josephus class, but I'm not going and my housemate responded to my e-mail and said she probably won't go either. 

Wednesday, 6/30:
Good morning but it won't be morning for much longer.  I've had a busy one and so I'm finally settling down and able to begin writing this entry.  Let me back up and pull forward, though, and bring you up to date.....

I left work last night and went on home.  The skies were very menacing and threatening.  They were quite dark and it appeared that rain was imminent.  I did make it home, however, in dry conditions.  As I turned the corner, I saw the garage door was down.  I raised it, pulled in and parked.  When I gathered my stuff and went inside, I could tell that my housemate had been home and had left again.

Since she had indicated she probably wouldn't go to Josephus, I surmised that either she had changed her mind and had zipped home and picked up her book and notepad or she had come home and changed clothes and went to the workout facility. 

Well, I went on in and back to my bedroom to drop my gear.  I checked the thermometer in there and was pleased with its reading of 74.3 degrees.  At one time I saw it drop to 73.9 degrees, however it didn't hold there for long.  When I went back out to the kitchen after changing clothes, I found Rusty in the house. 

I knew that my housemate must be back since I hadn't let him in.  She and I both ate supper. 

I went on to get a call from my SS classmate.  I had sent her a text message that I had done what she requested with the singles office.  I let her know that I had also created the birthday card for the class member and will hold it till closer to her birthday before mailing it to her.  Debbie was pleased by all of this. 

Eventually I finished and cleaned up after myself; then my housemate finished up too.  After I was done with supper, I went in to bill paying mode. 

I went on to bed; it didn't seem like it was very long before the alarm clock went off this morning.  It rained overnight, I'm not sure how much, but whatever we got was most welcome!  We are still in considerable need of rain.  I went through the usual workday routine in getting ready and heading in to work.  I was surprised that I got here before another co-worker did this morning - usually he's first.  But - he was right behind me.  I pulled in and parked in the parking lot, although not under the tree like I have been doing since I was planning to leave anyway and go to my bank and the post office. 

I got in to work and found only one of the night guys here. I relieved him; my co-workers were in soon after.  I spoke to them of my desire to leave and go to the bank and post office, plus to leave for the day early, since I discovered this morning that I am completely out of one of my PM meds - I don't have one for tonight - and I need to go and pick up the refills I ordered at the pharmacy and I don't know what time they close.  I also want to stop at my post office to pick up mail and I have some mail to drop in there. 

I did leave and went down to the bank and got cash out, then went over to the post office and got 3 money orders that I needed, plus I got a book of "forever" stamps and 2 of the priority mail flat rate envelope stamps.  When I got back, I found the parking lot was full, so I had to go in the garage.  I'll have to make sure and go get the car out of the garage this afternoon between 5-6 PM. 

I returned to work. Then I walked with my co-worker to get some exercise in.  We were under cloudy/wet skies for a while and at 81 degrees; now we're under a mix of clouds and sun and are at around 84 degrees.  Still that's better than 97 with a heat index of 103!

This is all I've got for now.....

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