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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Friday, June 11, 2010

My Day Off....

Good afternoon!  After a restless night in which I got very little sleep [though I don't understand why], I'm fighting to avoid taking a nap, out of fear of if I sleep this afternoon, I might not sleep again tonight. 

However, after finally getting up around 8:15 AM [my housemate had left for work], I took my AM meds and then went on to take a shower and get dressed - shorts and tee since it is my day off.  Then I checked out the newspaper and saw that Ann Coulter is calling for Sarah Palin to endorse a candidate in a primary in Connecticut as thus far each candidate she has endorsed has gone on to win.  Ann said it's for the good of the country.  I also read the Letters to the Editor - something I enjoy checking out to see what's being written - good or bad.  And, of course I read the sports section - including a couple of articles on the USC situation.  

I was in the midst of checking out the newspaper when I got a call back from a friend.  She was only about 5 minutes from here.  She was coming to pick me up so that we could go to breakfast at a local restaurant that is a favorite of mine and would be a new one for her.  So, I stopped, grabbed the letter to Karl Rove requesting a signed bookplate, then left the house and retrieved my sunglasses and garage door clicker from my car, raised the door and about that time she pulled into the driveway.  

I stepped out of the garage, hit the clicker to bring the door down, got in her vehicle [her husband's actually, hers was having its radiator repaired] and away we went.  I directed her on how to get to the restaurant.  We got there and ordered, then got our drinks and took a booth and waited for our food.  I opted for an omelet and she ordered buttermilk pancakes.  

After we were done - we had an enjoyable breakfast and visit - we headed back to bring me home, making a detour by the post office to pick up my mail and I also put the envelope addressed to Karl Rove in the outgoing mail slot inside.  I went through my mail before leaving to return to my friend's vehicle and weeded out the "junk" and disposed of it.  

Then we took a ride to find a particular church where a Bible study class she takes will be moving to when they resume in the fall.  I also showed her another route to the house on the way back.  She dropped me off and headed off to go see about her car.  

I returned my sunglasses and garage clicker to my car and also lowered the garage door back down.  I've gone on to do 2 loads of laundry and I resumed reading the newspaper and finished with it.  

I suppose this is all I have for now.... 

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