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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Wednesday night - 6/16 & Today

I got home to find my housemate on the couch resting and playing with Rusty.  She said that he had been a bit frisky earlier and wanted to play - fetch, etc.

I shared with her about the deer netting and how it would work; she isn't real thrilled with the idea now that she has a visual, but she didn't rule it out completely.  We talked about other options; she asked me to check with a co-worker that knows about this for advice.

We figured out that the reason that I felt no air coming out of the vent was that the unit was not running at the time I checked it, but it was running when she checked it.  That makes sense.  She's going to check with the man at the a/c company about ideas on what to do as well.

I have spoken with my co-worker and she recommended thermal style curtains for my bedroom - that have a backing on them that resists heat.  We checked a couple of sites and got prices and information.  They're not as expensive as you might think. 

I will share the information with my housemate when I see her tonight and I suppose we'll go from there on what we decide to do.  The weekend is nearly upon me and I'm looking forward to it.  

I did go walking in that air conditioned corridor this morning - 4 laps = 1 mile and my co-worker and I did just that!


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