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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

City water pressure returns - Jackson weathers 2nd water crisis this year

City water pressure returns

Jackson weathers 2nd water crisis this year

Water pressure should be restored across the entire city of Jackson, and residents who were without water, should now have it, Mayor Harvey Johnson announced during an afternoon news conference today. - 4:36 pm   

Well I woke up this morning and had no idea that this was going on.  I figured out pretty quickly, however, that something was wrong when I got in the shower and the water pressure was about 50% of what it should be.  I was able to get a shower, but it took me longer than it usually does.  

When I got done and dressed, I went on to the kitchen and found my housemate was just coming back in from her early morning walk.  I told her that I suspected that the City of Jackson had a water main break somewhere near us because I had low water pressure in the shower.  

She said that she had noticed that the water in the toilet in her bathroom was yellow/brown and I said that I noticed the same color water in the toilet in my bathroom.  We didn't know that my suspicions were correct at the time; but when she was getting a drink of water to take some medication, she used out of a jug of bottled water.  

When I went to finish up getting ready for work, I turned on the tap and started to fill my cup with water to brush my teeth with, but noticed that it looked yellow/brown so I dumped it and went back and retrieved a bottle of water and used it for brushing my teeth.  

Then, when I made it to work, I walked in and saw that the TV was on WAPT [Channel 16] and they were reporting that there was a water issue in the City of Jackson and that the entire city was under a boil water notice as a result.  Once I saw this and took in what it meant, I grabbed a phone, dialed my housemate's number and got her on the line.  I went on to share with her what WAPT was reporting - and we concluded that I was on the right track this morning with what was going on at home.  She was happy that I had called and communicated this information to her since she was still in the process of getting ready for work herself and so she would know not to drink the tap water - any more than she already had.

The newspaper was reporting on its website that that the issue was a problem with a 54 inch water pipe - they didn't know if the main had broken or if a cap had come off.  It would eventually be determined that the cap had come off - which was the best news.

By the way, at its peak there were approximately 100,000 people without water in the City of Jackson; Governor Haley Barbour authorized heads of state agencies to, in their discretion, send home all non-essential state employees.  

We communicated via e-mail a few times concerning what action we might need to take to ensure that we have sufficient water supplies at home since there was the possibility that we could lose water completely or the pressure could drop even lower than it was already was.  So, we finally decided that I would leave work a little early and come home and check on the water pressure status, then call her at her office and we would discuss what action to take.

I did that - I came on home and went around checking the water pressure.  I found that - PTL! - full pressure had returned!  I changed clothes then I called and told her this and we talked about what action to take.  We knew we were still under the boil water notice; we decided that I would go on to the grocery store and get some bottled water anyway - just to be on the safe side.  

She had given Rusty tap water in his bowl this morning [before I called her to let her know about the boil water notice] and so she asked me if I would go swap out the water with bottled water she already had on hand.  I did that and then left to run a couple of errands.  

One stop was at the post office for the mail and to pay my box rental fee - that's done for 6 months now; then I went to the grocery store and discovered that there had been a "run" on the bottled water.  They were bringing in pallets of cases of bottled water so I finally found water for my housemate.  I had to call her a couple of times from the store before we finally settled on exactly what I should get for her.  

Once that was decided and the bottled water I would purchase was in my buggy, I went on to do some shopping while in the store.  I got a number of grocery items that I needed and then checked out and came on home.  When I got in, I unloaded and put it all away.  I had gotten something for lunch - so I sat down and had a late lunch.

I went ahead - since I planned to be at home for the remainder of the day - and opened the hallway door and put the card table up as a barrier to keep Sukiey corralled but yet allow air to flow throughout the house and keep the temperature cool.  Currently it's 75.7 degrees in my bedroom and 75 degrees at past 6:00 PM.  At this time the outside temperature is 94 with a heat index of 101 under cloudy skies and we have a 30% chance of thunderstorms this evening.  We had a 40% chance yesterday and we got them! 

My housemate has not made it home yet, but she ought to be coming in at most any time.  I'm sure she will be happy to find a cool house waiting for her!

I guess this is all I've got for now....

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