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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Update ~ Thursday

Good evening!  It was a quiet morning at work. I exercised my option and left work early.  I came on home - although I almost found myself involved in 2 accidents en route because of idiot drivers.  

The first was because some doofus in an SUV decided to abruptly make a U-turn where one wasn't actually supposed to be made en route to I-55 and the line of traffic behind him/her had to stop quickly.  I wasn't following too closely, but I looked after moving on and saw I had left a skid mark where I had stopped for the traffic in front of me!

The second was because another doofus in a Chevy Suburban came over in front of me out on I-55 with just barely enough room to clear me.  I hit my horn to let the doofus know they almost got hit because of their idiotic decision.  I don't know that they realized that my horn blast was for them or if they were too dumb to figure that out!

Well, I got on home, raised the garage door and pulled in and parked, then lowered the garage door back down.  I unloaded my gear and came on inside, then got my stuff put away and changed clothes and had lunch.

This afternoon I turned on the TV and laid down and fell asleep watching Shepard Smith and woke up to find Glenn Beck on.  I've since gotten up and gotten some things tended to.  

Time for supper....

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