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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sunday ~ Update.....

I finally drug myself out of bed around 7:15 AM after a somewhat sleepless night.  I had breakfast and read the newspaper, then went and got a move on and got ready to head for church.  

My housemate and I rode together to FBCJ and she went to Sunday School while I went to Worship.  We had the pastor of the Madison campus to preach this morning as our Senior Pastor has been out of town - in fact, out of the country, but he is back, and just wasn't in a position to take the pulpit this morning.

After Worship, I went to Sunday School while my housemate went to Worship.  We had a good SS class today and I took a list of prayer requests to send out in our class e-newsletter.  

My housemate and I met back up after and headed out.  We met a friend for lunch at a local restaurant.  After a nice visit, we came on home and have been chilling out this afternoon.  I took a good nap, then after waking back up, I got busy and wrote the class e-newsletter, then I copied it to an e-mail and sent it out.  

Seems like Monday is going to get here much faster than I would like; however I'm thankful to have a job to get up and go to in the morning.  

Today's high, by the way, was 91 degrees; the heat index was 100.

Also, Governor Barbour quoted Napoleon Bonaparte on FOX News Sunday with Chris Wallace and it stuck with me.  I thought it interesting, so I'm going to share it here....

"Never interfere with the enemy while he's in the process of destroying himself."  

Time to go eat supper - hard to believe it's already that time!

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