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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Friday Night and Today

I stopped by the post office on the way home from work [see my post on the USPS], then went on home to find my housemate there.  She had left the garage door up, so obviously she hadn’t been home too long.  I had sent her an e-mail letting her know what time I was leaving work, so when she got home [whatever time it was] she knew it shouldn’t be long before I would be in and so she opted to leave the garage door up. 
I pulled in, parked and gathered my stuff, then entered the house, putting the garage door down as I did.  It appeared that she might be in her bedroom, but when I made it to the den, I found her sitting at the table watching TV.  She was watching Channel 3 to see if they would air the story about the busted water main that shot up like a geyser that I had sent her an e-mail about.  They never did on the 6:00 PM newscast.
I showed my housemate the greeting cards that I had made for my cousin’s bridal shower – to go with the gift card I’m getting her – and the card to go with the wedding gift.  She liked both of them and thought that I had done a good job.  She thinks they will definitely save the cards since these were made especially for them.
She went on to get ready and went out to the fitness club while I dropped my gear in my bedroom and changed out of my jeans into a pair of shorts.  I went on to have supper and then clean up behind myself before she returned. 
I went to my bedroom and dealt with a fussing cat.  I saw that the temperature in my bedroom was a comfortable 74.8 degrees.  Sukiey was somewhat fussy last night – I think it must’ve been because she knew I was home and she wanted me with her instead of out in the den with my housemate.  I did stay with her a while and she settled down.  I made several phone calls before returning to the den for a little while. 
Sukiey started fussing again.  I’ve come to the conclusion that she is jealous of my housemate!  When I finally went back to stay put with her for the night, she was happy and content.
I got in bed and was watching the Atlanta Braves at the Florida Marlins game.  I fell asleep during the game but woke up during the 9th inning and watched the remainder of the game.  Unfortunately, Billy Wagner once again managed to blow a save as the Marlins managed to load the bases in the bottom of the 9th inning and then he lost control and command of his pitching and that allowed the Marlins to score the tying and go ahead runs to win it by a final of 7-6.
After that, I got up, turned the TV off and covered it up so that Sukiey couldn’t scratch or claw the screen during the night.  If she were to do this, it would ruin the TV.  
This morning I was awakened by the alarm going off and got up and shut the alarm off.  Then I kicked off my workday routine.  I went on to take a shower and get dressed, then it was out to the kitchen to start breakfast.  I went to get the newspaper, but it hadn’t been delivered yet. 
No newspaper meant that I ate breakfast without checking it out.  I wasn’t real thrilled.  I cleaned up behind myself and then went on to finish getting ready for work.  I got my gear and headed out.  As I raised the garage door so I would be able to back out, I found that the newspaper was in the driveway, so I took it inside and left it on the kitchen counter for my housemate. 
She wasn’t up yet although I knew she was awake.  She was still in bed – she hadn’t even got up to come out and get a cup of coffee! 
I dropped my purse and briefcase in the trunk of the car.  I was planning to stop at a convenience store on the way in to work; I had taken my cash out of my wallet and stuck it in my jeans pocket. 
I did make the stop and picked up a couple of items, then went on to work and got the day started.  The morning was a little busy, but the afternoon has been quiet and I hope it stays that way. 
This is all for now….

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