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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

New Family Member

I learned just now that there is a new member of the family.  I had spoken with my brother earlier this morning and he said that his granddaughter had been admitted to the hospital in Baton Rouge to have a C-section to deliver her baby.
I called back about 15 minutes ago to check and he said that the baby, a boy they named Wyatt, had arrived shortly after he and I talked this morning.  Mom is doing fine, Dad is “walking on air” although exhausted.  Baby is okay, although he has a pinhole in one of his lungs and the lung is underdeveloped so they are going to keep him in the hospital for 7 days to monitor and keep an eye on him and see if they can get this cleared up. 
I have already added baby Wyatt to the 2011 Family Calendar – this is something I do each year. 

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