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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


I have gone and moved my car out of the parking garage.  Of course, I had to remember where I parked it to begin with.  I knew it was on the B side of the level, but which floor was another question.  I went to the floor I thought it was on and then to the B side and the vehicles had cleared out sufficiently that I spotted my car sitting right where I left it earlier in the day.  I got in and drove it down to the outside parking lot and parked it there until I leave to head home later this evening.

The box of cereal and loaf of bread that I left in there are both still in there and undisturbed.  Hopefully that will be the case later when I go to leave and head home.  Put it this way: if someone were to come along and break in and steal those items, they need them considerably worse than I do!   

I received a phone call from a friend and had to step away to take it just now.  The parking lot still looks somewhat full and there was a good bit of traffic from the vantage point that I had when taking the call.  I noticed that a construction worker was in the area of my car, but he wasn't doing anything to it.   He was apparently checking some work they were doing across the street from that vantage point.

I suppose I'm a bit nervous about security as a result of the group of thugs who have been on the loose over the past week or so running about the County committing home invasions.  I learned via the newspaper this morning that JPD has arrested 4 of them - 16 to 21 years old - and they are in the Hinds County Detention Center - supposedly without bond.  As far as I'm concerned, they need to stay there.  Hopefully none of the HC Judges will allow themselves to be persuaded to release them.  I also understand that a 5th thug is still being sought.  The sooner this one is caught and put behind bars, the better.  

Not much else to include at the present time.....

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