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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Saturday Night and Sunday Morning….

Good afternoon!  I left work last night when my relief guy showed up.  I left pretty quickly and headed on home.  When I got there, I found the garage door down; my housemate’s car was inside when I raised it.  I went on in the house after parking and gathering my stuff; I lowered the door as I went in using the switch on the wall. 

Well, when I got inside the house was quiet; at first I thought that she might be in her bedroom, then I saw the note on the counter.  It said that she had gone out to eat and would be back later.  Obviously someone had picked her up since her car was in the garage!  She didn’t say who she had gone with or where they were going. 

I called and talked with a friend  and she cooled me down – she understands my frustration at being forced to work a schedule that I do not want to.  Then as I was hanging up with her, another friend called.  I had to call her back since I couldn’t get to her in time.  I went on to talk with her – we hadn’t talked much over the past couple of weeks as her family had been in from North Carolina.  I helped her with a couple of questions she had, then went on to bring her up to date. 

While I was on the phone with this friend, I discovered it had been raining and that the wind was blowing and I saw lightning and later heard thunder.  Rusty was on the patio and he was cutting up and carrying on due to the bad weather.  I hung up from talking with her so that I could get him inside.  I retrieved his leash from the cabinet in the laundry room, then went and opened the patio door and as he came in, I grabbed him by his collar and hooked the leash on him.  I held on to him while I shut and locked the door back, then took him into the hallway – realizing that Sukiey would be free to roam and hoping she wasn’t in the hallway.  She was in my bedroom and stayed there.  I opened the door to my housemate’s bedroom and flipped the overhead light on, took Rusty inside and shut the door back, then took him on to her bathroom and found she had some clothes on the floor where the tub/shower and toilet are [that has a door] and I picked them up and put them on the back of the toilet and shut the lid, then took Rusty’s leash off of him, backed out [not a huge area and with him and me in there it was a bit crowded] and shut the door, leaving the light on. 

I dropped his leash on her bed and turned her bedside lamp on and the overhead light off.  Then I exited and closed the door and went back out to the kitchen.  I grabbed a notepad from her desk and a pen and wrote her a note letting her know that Rusty was in her bathroom as it had been lightning and he was having a fit.  I left it on the kitchen counter, then went on back to my bedroom and watched the remainder of the Atlanta Braves v. Florida Marlins game – the Braves won this game 10-5.  Then I got ready and went on to bed.  It was about 9:30 – 9:45 PM by that time and she was still not home.   I was a little surprised that she stayed out – what with the bad weather.

I don’t know what time she came in last night because I was already asleep by the time she did and didn’t hear her come in.  I woke up sometime around 12:30 AM; I got up and went out to the kitchen for a drink and knew she was home and in bed and likely asleep.  I went back to bed and to sleep; I woke up shortly before the alarm went off and when it did, I got up and kicked off the workday routine.  I went and took a shower and got dressed, then went on out to the kitchen and fixed breakfast.  While the toast was making, I went to see about the newspaper and it was out there, so I brought it in and put the garage door back down [I had raised it to check for the paper] and then went back in the house and separated out the sections of the newspaper I wanted to look at.  I went on to have breakfast and look at the newspaper, then took my dishes to the kitchen and left them in the sink while I went and finished up getting ready for work. 

I gathered my gear and as I passed back through the kitchen on my way out, I stopped and washed my dirty dishes.  I knew she was awake, but she didn’t get up – again – before I left for work.  I have no idea if she left Rusty in her bathroom all night or if she put him back out on the patio – I didn’t go check.  I didn’t want to wake him up if he was out there and sleeping.  I do know she got the note because it was gone from the counter this morning.  Anyway, it was evident that we had received considerable rainfall overnight.  Eric says, in his forecast,, that more rain is coming. 

Well, I left the house and headed in to work.  I put the garage door down after raising it again to exit and go down the driveway.  I arrived at work and found that my supervisor was already here.  I came on in and settled in at my workstation.  It crept closer and closer to on-duty time and my co-worker was not here yet.  I kept telling myself that if he didn’t show up, it wasn’t my problem – it was my supervisor’s problem – since he approved my request to be off a few hours today. 

I’m going to have to drive over to FBCJ this morning since I’m planning to take my car to lunch.  The skies were clear when I came in this morning, but a little while ago I had to go out to the car as my co-worker told me that I had left something on the trunk of my car and I knew that’s where my missing sunglasses were.  When I went out there, I saw that the skies had clouded back over. 

I didn’t bring my Bible with me this morning.  That’s because I knew that we weren’t going to have a regular Sunday School class – instead, a member was going to do a presentation on his recent mission trip to Crow Agency, Montana.  I grabbed a few pieces of notepad paper and stuck them in my purse to take with me to write any notes I need to take on. 

A class member who knew had told me that our teacher has chosen to teach 1st Samuel beginning next week.  He has gone to the bookstore and gotten his commentaries and texts that he will need so he can begin preparing lessons. 

I’ll pause here for now…..

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