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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Today's Update....

Good afternoon....I had a leisurely afternoon and evening after having a busy morning on Monday.  

I slept in this morning and didn't wake up or get up until after my housemate had left for work.  Once I did get up, I had breakfast and read the newspaper.  Then I went on to take a shower and get dressed.  

I had thought I wouldn't even go out today, but while I was in the shower, I decided that since my car's inspection sticker was to expire on Saturday, I would make a trip over to an area service station that does state inspections and get a new sticker.

I drove over there and pulled up to the inspection area, then on in the booth.  The mechanic checked out the car and told me that one of my brake lights was out.  I told him that I was unaware of that and asked if they could correct it.  He said yes, so I popped the trunk and he and another guy worked on the problem and got it corrected.  They had me to tap my brakes again and this time they passed.  

The mechanic did the paperwork, cleaned off the old sticker and then put the new one on in its place.  I paid $5 for the sticker - I thought they were going to change a bulb or something, but he said they didn't have to do that.  Then, I left and returned home.  I raised the garage door, pulled in and parked, then lowered the door back down and once it was down. I stepped on the brakes and looked through my rear-view mirror and saw that both brake lights were working.  

I came on inside the house after that and checked on Rusty.  He was lethargic and in his dog house facing the back of it.  He hadn't eaten the food that my housemate had given him for breakfast.  I figured she would be home at lunch to check on him.  

Well, I was in my bedroom on the Internet when she called me.  She asked me to check on him and I went out to the den and over to the patio and looked to see what he was doing.  He still hadn't eaten of the food but he had turned around in his dog house and was facing me.  I told her this, so she said she would be home in a little while and was going to take him to the vet.  

She arrived a little later and got a sheet to cover the back seat of her car to keep his hair off of it.  Then we loaded him up in there and took him over to the vet.  After a short wait, we were called back to an exam room.  One of the vets gave him an exam - pretty thorough - and was baffled at what might be the problem, though he had some ideas on how to proceed.  

We left Rusty with the vet so that they could do an x-ray and see what it revealed.  He was not happy when then vet was working on his shoulders or his front paws, the right paw in particular, although when he walked, he seemed to favor the left paw.  

They're going to call my housemate when they know something and she'll stop by after work and pick Rusty up and bring him home.  I haven't heard anything from her as to whether or not she's heard anything yet from the vet's office.  

He hasn't been eating or drinking or moving around much since over the weekend.  She noticed he was limping when he would walk.  She's managed to get him to eat by adding some "people food" to his dog food and was thinking that perhaps he has lost his sense of taste and she has thought about getting him some wet dog food, but she hadn't done this yet.

I'll post an update on Rusty when I have some information on how he's doing and what's wrong with him.

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