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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

July Winding Down....

That's right - July is winding down!  Saturday is the last day of the month, but Friday is the last business day of the month - so there are 3 business days left [counting today].  

Okay, I promised an update on Rusty's status....

My housemate picked him up from the vet after work and brought him home.  She said that the vet told her that the x-ray they did was negative - he didn't see any problems with Rusty's shoulders or paws.  He did give him a shot - of cortisone, I think.  Plus he gave my housemate a prescription of anti-inflammatory pills to give him.  She said that he told her that once Rusty has completed taking the prescription, if he's not any better to bring him back and he will do a sedated x-ray to see if he can figure out what's going on.

Rusty pretty much slept the remainder of the evening - she left him in the den while she went to work out.  That's not something she usually does - she usually puts him out on the patio when neither of us are going to be in the den to "supervise" him, but since he was more or less "out of it" she didn't think he would get into anything while she was gone - and he didn't.  She did put him back out there at bedtime, though.

This morning I got up before she left and was eating breakfast as she was finishing up getting ready to leave.  She put some more food and fresh water out there for him.  I was reading the newspaper while eating breakfast and found a full page ad from Wal*Mart and it had those 3 prong folders like I use every year to make my family's yearly calendar in there for 10 cents each.  It was a "back to school" ad.  

I finished eating, cleaned up behind myself, then went and took a shower and got dressed, grabbed my wallet and car keys and headed out to the nearest Wal*Mart.  I got there and inside the store, then had some difficulty finding the folders that were on sale.  I found some that were marked 15 cents; the person helping me insisted that was the price - he claimed to know nothing about the newspaper ad.  

I got 30 of the folders with the prongs and went on to get a few other items and then grabbed a copy of the newspaper off of the rack and took it with me to the checkout.  I showed the cashier the ad and she got someone to verify and come to find out, the ones that I had were indeed on sale for 10 cents each.  They had to go get another of the folders because a mishap took place.  

I got checked out and had to wait till they brought a replacement folder!  Then I left the store and headed for home.  I got everything put away and am now doing laundry.  

I told my housemate I would check on Rusty during the day.  Right now he's in his doghouse sleeping.  He hasn't eaten the food that she put out for him this morning.  She did get one of the pills down him, though.  

This is about all I have for the present time as far as an update!

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