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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Ted Lilly, Ryan Theriot to Dodgers

Ted Lilly, Ryan Theriot to Dodgers

By Tristan H. Cockcroft

Having tried five different pitchers in their fifth-starter role, including three from the beginning of July alone, the Los Angeles Dodgers finally made a move Saturday to bring some stability to the back of their rotation, acquiring Ted Lilly from the Chicago Cubs in a five-player deal.
First, to be fair, let's not call Lilly "fifth-starter" fodder; in terms of talent he's probably their new three/four, so in essence the Dodgers acquired him and can push Vicente Padilla and perhaps Hiroki Kuroda each back a spot in the rotation. But let's not get caught up in semantics, shall we?
Important is that Lilly gives the Dodgers four solid veterans plus a 22-year-old ace (Clayton Kershaw). Plus, the addition of Ryan Theriot at second base, replacing Blake DeWitt, who was shipped to the Windy City, could also be considered an upgrade, depending upon your opinion of their defensive contributions. However, when it comes to fantasy, it doesn't result in as huge value shifts as you'd think.

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