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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sunday School and Lunch

My supervisor came back about 9:30 AM and when he got back he said that if I planned to go to church I had better go on and go because it looked like a storm was getting ready to blow in.  So, I grabbed my purse, keys and umbrella and hurried on out to the car, then drove over to FBCJ and to a back parking lot where the Baptist Convention employees park and – oddly enough – parked right next to my housemate.  Of course she was already inside – in Sunday School.  I grabbed my purse and umbrella and made my way across and in through the Chapel entrance. 

I was there a bit early – at least 15 minutes before the Sunday School classes let out.  I hung around and tried to be quiet while waiting.  It did start raining – though not real heavy.  Eventually, we got the Chapel Parlor and got class started.  Our teacher did the preliminaries and then turned the class over to a member to do his presentation on Crow Agency.  Near the end, I had to duck out to go to the restroom.  I returned in time for his conclusion and closing us in prayer. 

Then I took off and made my way out to El Potrillo Mexican Restaurant, Grill and Cantina.  It’s off of Lakeland Drive at Dogwood Festival Marketplace.  It was raining lightly on the drive out there.  I was surprised that our teacher was already there when I arrived and went inside and was sent to the table.  A member had left early to get on out there so as to cover our reservation.  As I was heading in, I saw another member driving up and parking in a handicapped space – she does have some mobility issues.  All totaled, there were 12 of us who came for lunch. 

We had a good meal – and good fellowship time.  I enjoyed eating out with them and I needed to be able to get away from work and go eat out after church today – after these last couple of weekends that I’ve had.  It was good for me.  We finished up a little after 1:00 PM and I headed back towards Downtown and got back to work at 1:30 PM.  So, I took exactly 4 hours off – which is what I had allotted.  I actually used 3 hours of leave time and my hour for lunch. 

This is all for now….

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