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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

A New Month....

Here we are in a new month....

This morning I got up ahead of the alarm as I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep - I only had about 30 minutes anyway - so I got on the computer and checked my e-mail and then wrote an entry on my blog.  After that, I kicked off the workday routine - I took a shower, got dressed, then went and had breakfast and then got ready and headed in to work.  My housemate went for her morning walk sans Rusty.  

She and I exchanged e-mails a couple of times and we both hope to go to Red, White and Jackson tonight.  That's if weather permits.  Stan has sent out an e-mail blast asking for as many FBCJ members as possible to attend and show support since we are one of the sponsors.  I've been looking forward to it and to getting some pictures.  I'm a "picture person"!

I left work early since it was my "early day" and I headed home, almost forgetting to stop at the post office, since I don't normally go by there on Thursdays.  I had to adjust my route in order to get to the post office, but I did it and pulled in and parked.  I went in, package in hand, and stopped at my mailbox and picked up the incoming mail.  I had 2 pieces waiting.  One was the postcard from the Hinds County Tax Collector concerning the renewal of my license tag.  I was pleasantly surprised to see that the amount was over 50% less than what I was expecting!  I had expected a bill for around $90; the postcard requires a payment of $41.53, although if I pick it up in person, I save $1.00 because that's the "mailing fee".  It's due by July 30th, as that's the last business day of the month.  By the way, the tag is good for just one year at a time.  

The other item: a friend's letter.  I went on to the window area with the package and found that there were 2 human clerks working and another one sitting on a stool at the back of another station.  I also saw that there were 4 or 5 people in line ahead of me and it appeared that I would have to wait in line behind all of them just to hand the package to one of the clerks.  Finally, after a couple of minutes, I got out of line and approached the lady sitting on the stool and asked her if I could hand the package to her as I had it ready to go.  She took it and asked if I needed a delivery confirmation or anything.  I said no - all I needed to do was hand it to a human!  She said okay and as she took it to be processed, I said thanks and left.  I saw no point to need to stand in line for 10-15 minutes waiting just to hand the package to a human clerk!  

From that point, I got back in the car and headed home.  When I got home, I raised the garage door, pulled in and parked, then went and unlocked the door.  I also hit the wall switch and lowered the garage door.  I went on to unload the car and bring my stuff inside.  I checked the hall temperature [74] and then when I got to my bedroom, I had a look at the thermometer in here [74.7].  That's also the current temperature - as I just checked it.

I changed out of my dress pants and into a pair of shorts, then laid down and took a nap of about an hour's duration.  Sukiey got in the bed with me.  I have since eaten a late lunch and I've checked the weather.  We have a 40% chance of thunderstorms this afternoon.  However, it's 84 degrees under mostly cloudy skies.  I haven't talked to my housemate to find out what she has decided.  She said that she wanted to - weather permitting.  I've also put 4 of my rechargeable batteries on the charger to "top off" the charge.  They have completed charging and I put them back in my camera pouch.  I've got it ready to go - in the event we do go to Red, White and Jackson.  

Okay, I paused and called and talked with her - she said she's going to be leaving work in a few minutes and heading home.  She wants me to move my car out of the garage and sweep the pockets of water out.  We'll be heading downtown to attend Red, White and Jackson.  I went and retrieved the blue "camp" chair a friend gave me from the patio where Rusty stays and he slipped in the house while I did that.  After I got off the phone with her, I retrieved a dog biscuit and put him back out there.  

I'm going to stop for now and take care of something, then go move the car out of the garage and sweep the water out.  There's not a whole lot, but I've got the garage door up to let it air out.  I'll continue later and hopefully I'll have a report on Red, White and Jackson for you at that time.  

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