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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A Couple More Notes....

Note #1:

While at the laundromat earlier today, I had to use the change machine to get some additional quarters.  I had $12.25 with me; I needed another quarter to get all of the washers started.  So, I put a $1 bill in there to get that quarter.  I checked to see which ones I had.  I found a Yellowstone quarter from the America the Beautiful series among them.  So, I put it in my pocket with my wallet [in order to be sure I wouldn't accidentally use it].  Once I had the washer started, I went on to use the change machine to get $5 worth of quarters and I checked those.  Yep, another Yellowstone quarter was amongst them.  I put it in my pocket with the other quarter.  

Note #2:

Earlier tonight my housemate and I were talking; she asked me if I had checked my e-mail and I said that I had.  She asked if I had gotten the e-mail she forwarded me from Stan.  I said that I hadn't seen it - I must've checked it before that came through.  

Well, she went on to tell me what it contained.  For one thing, he was thanking everyone from FBCJ who attended Red, White and Jackson; he said that the event was a success and that he had been told that twice as many people attended this year as did last year.  He made some other comments as well.  He went on to share about some other events too; the one she was most interested in was the announcement that Dr. Chuck Missler will be at FBCJ on Sunday, August 1st.  She is a big "fan" of his teaching and tries to catch him on TV whenever possible. 

I later checked my e-mail and got the details.  I'll have to make arrangements to be there for that event.  

Time to head to bed....

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